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Artemis looks around rapidly, trying to orientate herself in the multiple fights that are happening at the same time. Vertigo hits her with his power when her back is turned. She falls to her knees almost instantly. "Leave her alone." Wally says as he stands up only to be hit in the back by Wotan. "Enough!" the dark sorcerer commands as he starts to fly again. Robin throws two disks that explode in a plume of dark smoke around Wotan's protective bubble. The bubble falls as his hands glow blue, creating four lightning bolts that hit Robin, Kaldur, and I in quick succession. I hear Artemis scream as she is hit and knocked out of Vertigo's range, the villain doesn't attempt to follow her. Wally is knocked back by the force of the blow. Black Adam throws Superboy into a tree behind Ultra-Humanite that leaves him open to being hit by the lightning as well. Wolf is knocked off of a now sore Ultra-Humanite by the lightning. M'gann flies around her camouflage, but once she uses her telekinesis to destroy some of Ivy's vines Wotan knows right where to aim and he knocks her out of the sky.

As she falls Kaldur blocks the lightning aimed at him with his hand as he moves to the few steps to black M'gann's as well. The second the pain stops she looks up to Kaldur, who looks back down at her. "Plan "B"." he says as I look to him with wide eyes. M'gann is silent as her eyes glow green. The BioShip moving to meet her command, coming right over their heads as a hole opens in the hull, a duffle falling to Kaldur's hand. He unzips the bag and pulls the Helmet out, holding it over his head. Wotan's attack stops his attack immediately, stunned. "The Helmet of Fate." I muttered as I saw it. Wally turns to see Kaldur, he was also stunned. "No, Aqualad! Don't!" I yelled as I was hit by a vine. Superboy punches Black Adam back as Wally hits a tree with a resounding crunch over his thud. Kaldur puts the Helmet on and Doctor Fate took his place, he was bathed in golden light and floating over the marshy grounds. Wally grunted as he stands up, his arm limp at his side and his left reaching for his elbow to stabilize it.

"Oh, dude." He mutters as Doctor Fate flies up to come face to face with Wotan. His cape was flowing behind him and his hands coming from being out at his sides to a fighter's position, clenched in fists. "Wotan, you are mine." Fate nearly growls. Wotan brings his hands together to shoot an orange beam at Dr. Fate. Fate's golden beam comes from his chest and where the two should meet, Fate burns straight through hitting Wotan in the chest. Pushing the dark sorcerer back until he is pinned against the greenhouse dome. When Fate's beam stops, it begins to wrap around Wotan and form chains that bind his hands to his sides. I hear the splash of someone's shoes in the mud as I push myself back up. Looking up I see the Joker. "you are mine." the maniac quoted Fate and changed his voice as much as he can to mimic Fate's. Before laughing as he pulls out a switchblade. I'm quick to get on my feet and avoid the slashes that get too close to my chest too many times for comfort, before finding enough time to properly plant my feet and spring over the maniac.

My hands landing first before I spring up again, facing the Joker as I slide a little. Joker pulled out a second knife as he laughs and charges at me. "You wanna dance you cheap, sad excuse of a children's party clown" I said as I pulled out my own blade. I continued to narrowly avoid the Joker's slashes before I jump back and suddenly a Batarang knocks one of his knives out of his hand. He looks up with a psychotic look as Aquaman, Batman, Green Arrow, and Black Canary all descend onto the scene as well, held up by one of the Green Lantern's platforms, with Captain Marvel and Superman flying in front of them. Ultra Humanite and Atomic Skull slowly back up to either side of a still fallen Wotan and Black Adam. As the Justice League lands, they have now made a circle around the InJustice League. Including Poison Ivy, Vertigo, and Joker. "It's over." is all Batman says as he stands next to me. Vertigo exchanges a small look at Ivy before raising his hands in surrender, the other villains following suit. "There will be another day." Vertigo said as I grinned at my father.

"Another day?" Joker asks, surprising even his teammates by his lack of surrender and his question. "Another day?! There won't be another day! Not for any of us!" He said as he laughs, he raises his still gloved hands and uses his fingers to control the vines to rise up around the swamp. Red buds rise up to the surface before they pop in rapid succession. Filling the area with green gas. "Joker-Venom spores. Don't breathe." Batman commands us and instantly turning to the still laughing Joker and nailing a punch to his face. "Yeah Batman" I yell as I watch the Joker hit the ground. Despite him being knocked out the gas still grows. "Fear not." Dr. Fate said as he rises over the cloud, creating another one of his symbols, but this one sucks up the gas. "Fate has intervened." He added. Everyone holds their places, alive. "What were you thinking?!" Kid yells out, his anger coming through in droves. "How could you let him put on the Helmet? Nabu will never release him now." He said, his anger dies out by the end of his realization. "Kaldur will be trapped inside Dr. Fate forever." He mutters.

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