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At Cadmus

"Help! Get us out!" I heard people yelling as I looked to see two people trapped on the second floor. I looked to see firefighters talking at them through a megaphone before an explosion went off behind the victims. I watch as Kid Flash zooms up the wall, running and getting both to the roof. He struggles to keep himself from falling. "Fucking idiot" I said as I saw Dick and Aqualad arrive. "So smooth." The wonder brat said smugly. "Does he always have to run ahead?" I asked out of annoyance.  "We need a plan. We-" Aqualad looks over to where Dick was standing but he already vanished. I heard his annoying laugh ring out. "It isn't edgy or cool, it's stupid" I yelled out knowing that he could hear me. He runs over to the firefighters and steals the water from their hoses as he goes up to where the scientists are.  "Step aboard. Now." he tells them, his voice is dead serious. I scale my way up the building with a grappling hook and see Dick and Kid Flash rummaging through files and hacking the computer. They were making a total mess to put it simply.

Aqualad joins us shortly. "Appreciate the help." he says sarcastically. He was definitely annoyed. "You handled it." Dick said, still looking smug. "Besides we're here to investigate." I added. I looked at Aqualad as he steps to look down the long hallway. The clang of the doors meets draws the attention of the Kid Flash, Dick, and I and we walked up and stood right behind Aqualad. "There was something in the-" he stammered, he was too shocked to finish his sentence.
"Elevators should be locked down." I said as I looked at it suspiciously. Dick slips past Aqualad without saying a word. "This is wrong." He pulls up a screen on his gauntlet. I saw the blueprints of a Sliver Slip Express Elevator. "This is a high-speed express elevator. It doesn't belong in a two-story building." I exclaimed. "Neither does what I saw." Aqualad added as he forced the doors open. "And that's why they need an express elevator." Dick said as he looked at the dark tunnel that led straight down to who knows how far. I shoot my grappling hook and once I'm sure it's secure I jump off the edge and straight down.

I go down and watch the numbers as I do so, it wasn't long before I reached the end of my rope. I jumped to the platform across from me. The others followed my lead shortly after. "Doors" I said as Aqualad pried them open. "Welcome to Project Cadmus." I said arrogantly. It wasn't long before Kid Flash bolted. "Kid, wait!" Aqualad yelled, but the teen doesn't stop. The sounds of heavy footsteps in the hallway that cuts across the one he's running in forces him to skid to a stop. Massive creatures that walked on all fours walked down the hallway Kid had ran down. "No. Nothing odd going on." I said sarcastically. Robin walked over and started hacking. "Okay, I'm officially whelmed." He said as I glanced at him. "I never thought a day would come where we agreed" I said as I glanced at Aqualad. We bypassed security and entered a large room lined with shelves with bug like things. "This is how they hide this massive underground facility from the world." Kid Flash said as we walked between rows. "The real Cadmus isn't on the grid. It generates its own power with these... things." He added.

"Must be what they're bred for." I said as I looked at them. "Even the name is a clue, the Cadmus of myth created a new race by sowing dragon's teeth into the Earth." Aqualad muttered to us. "And this Cadmus creates new life too." I said as I stepped up to the computer nearby. "Let's find out why." He says as he pulls out a connector from his gauntlet to connect him to the computer. "He always gives you the cool things" I huffed. "We both know who his real favorite is" Dick said as he looked at me. "Damian" we said in perfect unison. "They call them Genomorphs." He said as we focused back to the task at hand. "Whoa! Look at the stats on these things- super-strength, telepathy, razor claws. These are living weapons." I said as I looked at the information in front of me in pure amazement. "They're engineering an army, but for who?" Kid Flash questions. "Wait. There's something else." Dick says as more information comes. Aqualad walked over and looked at the information on the screen. "Project Kr." he tries to start decrypting it. My interest was also peaked at this point.

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