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I turned to the source, I was slightly shocked to see Kent standing before me. "But- but- you're- you're-" I stuttered. "Yep," Kent knows what I'm trying to say. "But don't feel bad. Soon as this little brouhaha is over, my spirit will ascend, and I'll be reunited with my beloved Inza." He said with a smile. "O-oh. Ok." I stutter out. "Wait, but does that mean that I'm-!" I asked him. I was too young to die, I had so many more years I needed to spend harassing others. "You're alive," Kent says as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "But your soul no longer controls your body. See, we're inside the Helmet. You put it on, and my soul got sucked in, probably because I spent so many years serving its master." He explained to me. "Master?" I asked him, I was confused. "Nabu, the real Doctor Fate, one of them Lord of Order I told you about." Kent told me. "He's the guy controlling your body now." Kent pats my shoulder lightly "Wanna watch?" He says as he gestures into the black void. I saw the fight just in time to watch me get hit.

I cry out in pain, falling to my knees. I was looking to Kent angry, but mostly confused. "What gives?" I asked him. "Well, it is your body." Kent stated. "Then let me control it." I argued. "With Fate's powers and my ski-" he cut me off. "Sorry, Kid, doesn't work that way." Kent says to me. "But you can see why I haven't put on the Helmet in 65 years." He added. "And if Fate loses this fight?" I asked him. Kent's face turned somber. "You see Inza before I do." He states quietly. My eyes widen and my mouth drops open. I couldn't die, Damian was too young, if I were to die then he would forget about me. I continued to watch and I jumped in the air when we won. "That's how it's done!" I cheered, I was still within the Helmet. I glanced over at Kent. "Why isn't Nabu taking off the Helmet?" I asked him. "Because the Earth needs Doctor Fate." Nabu speaks up. "I will not release this body." He stated firmly. "You can't do that to me, I have people who need me!" I object. "Can he do that?" I ask Kent.

"Can, but shouldn't." Kent said angrily. "This is not the right candidate. The kid's Soul belongs to the world of assassination, not Sorcery." He yelled. "True." Nabu agrees, his tone is dark. "But I do not appreciate being permanently hidden away, useless, and isolated for decades at a time." He said. "Chaos must not be allowed to reign." he snapped at us. "That won't happen again, the girl'll take the Helmet and make sure you're put to good use." Kent speaks for me. "Yes. I swear." I agreed, I was smiling brightly. "And in the meantime, I'll stick around, keep you company." Kent said, a touch of sadness in his voice. I could tell he missed his wife. I turned to Kent, horrified. "Don't you want to see her? You deserve to spend your eternity with her" I said as my voice saddened as I asked each question. "Don't sweat it, Kid. I'll spend a few millennia here, then see Inza." he said as he flips open his watch to look down at her picture once more. His own voice turns sad. "That's the great thing about eternity. It's eternal." He said to me as I smiled at his words.

"The bargain is acceptable." Nabu says darkly. "Some free advice before you go. Find your own little Spitfire," Kent said as he begins to fade away. "One who won't let you get away with nothin" he said as I smiled. The Helmet finally comes off of me. I looked around and find I am still on the roof, I start walking over to Kent and set the Helmet down and places the watch back in his hand. Closing his fingers around it. I was looking down at the man I couldn't save. Blaming myself. "I won't forget what you have done for me" I said as Aqualad walked over and put his hand on my shoulder. "So do you believe now? For real this time?" I asked Wally as he nodded. "I will be holding on to this, but in the meantime it can stay at Mount Justice with the rest of your souvenirs" I said as I picked up the helmet and handed it to him. "Take good care of it" I said as he smiled. I could tell that he would. Kent would be proud of him and what he has accomplished. He wasn't so bullheaded any more.

In Gotham city, a few days later

I watch as Kaldur is hit hard, he rolls until he hits a garage door hard enough to dent it, there was splatters of clay over his dark skin and his short blonde hair. As he falls to the floor his tattoos stopped glowing. Clayface walks past the rest of us who are unconscious and covered in clay. He forces himself to look up, he sees Clayface's shadow step into the light. I watch as his left-hand turns into a square-mace. As Clayface raises his arm to attack, a familiar shadow got larger as it gets closer to the glass ceiling. Crashing through the window is Batman, who now has Clayface's full attention, I launched two Batarangs at the villain. Only for them to be absorbed into his arm until they explode and completely destroyed his arm. Batman lands in a crouch before Clayface, the villain strikes once more, Batman jumps back to avoid the hit. He pulls out a high powered taser that sticks to the right side of Clayface's chest and continued to send electricity through the villain. He then zeroed in on the one person still conscious: me.

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