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We watched as a camera pans from the destruction of a city. "This is Iris West-Allen, reporting live. The extra-terrestrials have brought their relentless global attack to Central City." She said as I looked at the news. The ships fire at the curve of the arch, knocking it to the street below, while another fires at a group of civilians running for their lives, destroying them in groups. One heads right for Iris, but just as it gets close enough to fire, the Flash swoops in, grabbing the redhead and the beam explodes in front of the camera. "Tronsnart siht namaremac ot ytefas." Zatara voice said with power. As two ships approach the camera, the world is covered by gold and as the gold fades away Zatara stands on a roof of a building, and Flash slows to a stop before setting Iris down. "You should both be safe here, at least for now." He said to the woman. "Thank you, Flash and Zatara." Iris says hesitantly. Flash places an arm on her shoulder before running off. "Etativel won!" Zatara chants and a see-through bronze-tinted platform forms under his feet and he rises into the air.

"Denny, you okay?" Iris asked calmly, the cameraman raises his hand into the frame and gives a thumbs up. Iris smiles and turns the reporter back on. "As you can see, the Justice League is attempting to hold the line." Zatara and Flash races up to where a group of people are trapped on top of a burning building, as a ship approaches them. A shot goes off, and the top of the building explodes. The camera quickly pans back down to Iris. "No." She says, it is barely picked up by the mic in her hand. The feed jumps to where cat Grant is sitting at her station, shouting because behind Iris' back is another ship. "Iris. Iris, get out of there!" She pleads as the feed is lost and Cat sits back in her chair. "I'm sorry, we're experiencing technical difficulties from our Central City feed. We take you now to a devastated Taipei. Another League contingent is having more luck." She says as we look to see ships fly around Taipei, one hits Hawkwoman in the back on screen, then fires again at Hawkman as he turns around to look for his partner. Taking him quickly too.

We see Green Arrow who has two arrows with augmented tips already nocked and he fires. At his six Black Canary screeches and takes out a group of five or six ships that were flying through the skyline. One comes through the smoke slowly, and while Green Arrow goes to fire his arrow at the ship, it fires first, taking both of them out. Cat looks on at the now black screen before turning forward with a calm face and a level voice. "Ladies and gentlemen, we've lost Black Canary, Green Arrow, and the Hawks. Other heroes reported dead or missing include Batman, Icon, Atom, and Aquaman." She said as me and Dick looked horrified at the screen. My father was probably dead, Damian, Dick, and I were now orphaned. The Team watches the four scenes of defeat from within the Mountain. "We are Earth's Heroes now." Kaldur says strongly as I shake the emotion from my face. "So, what are we waiting for? A theme song?" Superboy demands. "A strategy." Kaldur says and turns to him. "Earth's weapons are ineffective and it has been made tragically clear a direct attack will not succeed." He added, he was horrified also.

Kaldur looks at Robin with a slight hope, the Boy Wonder quickly taps on the HoloGlove. "Checking satellite imagery." He said as the image is pulled up in front of the whole Team. "Here's where the aliens are now." He said as I stared at the screen. "This one get lost?" Conner asks, gesturing to one near the North Pole. "It's Superman's Fortress of Solitude." Robin said as realized. Conner looks both affronted and confused. "Superman has a Fortress of Solitude?" He asked us. "It's like Superman's Batcave" I told the boy. "Its power source must have attracted the aliens' attention, at least enough to send a scout ship to investigate." Robin tells us. "Must be some fortress." Superboy grouches lowly as he turns away. "Don't be moody, we don't have time for your daddy issues" I said as Robin glared at me. M'gann is quick to try and comfort him. "Conner." She said to him. "No, it's okay. I guess there's a lot about Superman I'll never know." He said as he stops and stutters over that for a moment. "Uh, you know, now." He said quickly. "We will target this lone ship." Kaldur quickly decided as we nod.

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