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At Mount Justice

We stood before Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, Red Tornado, Batman, and Green Arrow, we were recounting the status of the mission. "The Amazo android is again safely being analyzed at the two separate STAR Labs but Ivo escaped, and since he originated the tech, he's arguably more dangerous than the Android." Aqualad informed us. "Capturing the professor will be a League priority." Canary added. "But we understand that your mission encountered other complications." Martian Manhunter stated crossing his arms. Aqualad, Robin, Kid Flash, and I glare at Superboy, who had the decency to look away. "We did in fact have complications" I said to them, my voice was poisonous. Batman decided to step up. "Complications come with the job. Your ability to handle them has impressed the League." He said to me and the others. "The whole League?" Superboy asks, I know that he already knows the answer. "Given time, yes." Batman assured him instantly. "Kryptonians, as you know, have very hard heads." He said as Superboy couldn't stop a small smile. "Of course, there's no shame in asking for help. That's why the League exists. Because there's some problems even we can't handle individually." He added.

"Please." Robin spat. "If we needed help, we'd never get the chance to ask." He said as Kid Flash closes his eyes, knowing exactly what he means. Robin pulled out an arrow I hadn't seen before now. "Look familiar?" He said as he lets Batman take it from him. "You were following us." he accused our father. "Babysitting! You still don't trust us!" He snapped. "Show him respect, he's earned it" I yelled as Dick turned to me. "How can you blindly trust him, he's no better than the assassins you used to run with" he snapped. I was now furious and he would find out just how furious I was later. Ignoring Robin's accusations, Batman passed the arrow to Green Arrow."We didn't follow you." He said as Green Arrow pulls an arrow out, holding them both up. The tip and shaft are different than the one Robin handed over. "See, wait before you go off" I said sternly. Robin's eyes widen. "And that's not your arrow..." he said smiling. "But that means-" he continued. Kid Flash, smiling brightly, cuts off the Boy Wonder. "Speedy!" Kid yelled. "He has our backs." Aqualad agrees. I wasn't so sure about that.

Me and Robin were talking with Batman when I glanced over at Superboy, he was talking to Black Canary. Superboy clears his throat and steps up to Black Canary. Catching her slightly off-guard as she turns to him curiously. "I'm ready." He muttered as I smiled, he has come a long way since his days at Cadmus. "Good. Because I'm here." Black Canary assured him, placing her hand on her hip as she looks him in the eye. "Spoiler, let's go" Batman said as me and Robin followed him to the teleporter tubes. I turned towards them and waved goodbye as we stepped in. "Home sweet home" Dick said as he removed his mask. "Dick, go upstairs so the adults can talk" I said as he flipped me off and went upstairs. "Who was the archer, I sure as hell know that it wasn't Roy" I said as he scowled at my tone and boldness. "That is oddly similar to the arrows that Huntress used, but that's impossible for a multitude of reasons" I said as he crossed his arms. "The archer is entitled to a secret identity just like you and I are" he said as I glared.

A few days later

Kaldur, M'gann, Robin, Superboy, and I all make our way out of the cave and to the beach. We were dressed in swimsuits, carrying a picnic lunch, a volleyball, and a bogey board. M'gann stood on the beach, her arms stretched wide. "Hello, Megan." She says then turns towards the boys over her shoulder. "We should hit the beach every day." She exclaimed. Robin smiled then lowers his head into his free hand. "First, a moment of silence for our... absent comrade." he says, his voice was empty. We all drop our heads in solidarity. "Poor Wally." she mutters. I watched as M'gann and Robin splashed each other in the water. Kaldur stayed out because that would just be unfair. Though Superboy jumped into a cannonball, landing right between the two, drenching all of them. M'gann laughed as she dodges the wave he created. I was enjoying the sun, I was never a big fan of the water. After a while we got hungry and roasted hot dogs on the grill that had set up, Robin picked one up with a fork to eat it. Rather than with a bun like the rest of the Team.

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