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I was watching in the darkness as men unloaded crates, I watch one dude open a crate and pull out a high tech weapon. He takes aim and fires three shots before noticing Roy. "You again!" He yells at the archer. "I'm starting to get insulted Green Arrow's not messing up my operation personally." He snapped as he aimed the gun at Speedy. He continued to shoot at Roy but he stays one step ahead of the shot each time. I throw a batarang and it hits the guy in the hand causing him to drop the weapon. The batarang exploded and shredded his suit. "Do you know what I pay for a suit in my size?!" he yelled as I moved my position. "Scorch the Earth, boys." he commands his lackeys. 4 more guys take aim at me and Roy. Kid comes through and takes the guns while Kaldur comes down with his water bearers and smacked them. The dude picked up a piece of concrete and threw it me and I dashed behind a crate. "Missed me" I yelled as I distracted him long enough for Speedy to shoot a gas arrow. I jump down from the ledge.

"Nice working with you Speedy" I said as we walked towards him. "Likewise but I'm not joining the team" he says as the boys try to convince him. "The cave is perfect. It has everything the Team will need." Aqualad said as I stared him down. "For covert missions." Robin says dropping down behind Speedy. "You know, spy stuff." He added. "And wait till you see Superboy and Miss Martian." Kid Flash says excitedly. "But I saw her first." He stated. I saw him getting back up and I pulled out my staff. I hit him a few times before doing some back handsprings to get away from him so Speedy could do his thing. He shot two flaming arrows and had another one aimed at the man's chest. "Tell Arrow he shouldn't send boys to do a man's job." He said as Speedy nocks another arrow taking aim. "Go ahead." The man said as he released the arrow that trapped him in foam. "So, Speedy, you in?" Dick asked him. "Pass." He says strongly but does pause to give us the answer. He was as disrespectful as ever, good to know people never change, especially arrogant people like him.

"I'm done letting Arrow and the League tell me what to do. I don't need a babysitter or a clubhouse to hang out with the other kids. Your Junior Justice League is a joke. Something to keep you busy and in your place." He adds. "I don't want any part of it." Speedy says as he turns to leave. "Still arrogant I see" I said as he walked away. "Only for you Spoiled" he said as I grew angry at the mispronouncing of my name. "Whatever Speedo, see you later" I said to him as Kid laughed. "Glad you think I'm funny, let's head back" I said as I headed back to the headquarters the rest of my teammates.

Later that night

We all ran into the cave to see Superboy, Aqualad, and Miss Martian standing in front of a large screen. We didn't even have a chance to breathe before the boys shot off at the mouth. "Did you ask him?" Robin asked him. "What did he say?" Kid Flash asked next. "Maybe you'd know if you both gave Kaldur a chance to speak" I said as the teenage boys glared at me. "He is arriving now." Aqualad says to them, I don't understand how he is always so calm. "Then what are we waiting for?" Wally yells as he punched Dick's shoulder lightly. "Nothing, your impulsive behavior is getting old" I said Wally glared at me. We ran to the ramp that led outside and we were met by Red Tornado. "Red Tornado!" Kid mouth yelled as I rolled my eyes, he was way too energetic for my liking. "Greeting. Is there a reason you intercept me outside the cave?" Red Tornado asked as he looked at me, since I was one of the oldest people on the team. "Not really" I said as I shrugged my shoulders. "We hoped you had a mission for us." Aqualad told the hero. "Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility." Red Tornado states to us. "I know that but apparently it's something that they have yet to learn" I said as Dick glared at me. "But it's been over a week and nothing-" Robin tried to say, but he's cut off. "You'll be tested soon enough." Red Tornado stated to us. "For the time being, simply enjoy each other's company." He added. I was slightly unnerved by the comment he had made.

"I live with him, I don't enjoy his company then so I don't know what makes you think I will enjoy it now" I sputtered. "This team is not a social club." Aqualad stated confidently. "No," Red Tornado agreed with him. "but I am told social interaction is an important team-building exercise. Perhaps you can keep busy by familiarizing yourselves with the cave." Tornado added. "I downloaded the blueprints the day we came here, hard pass" I said as I crossed my arms. ""Keep busy"." Wally complains as I scoffed. "You can't tell me that you are not irritated too" Wally asked me. "I am, but I also know that your approach is not going to get you anywhere" I said as I opened a can of pop I had snatched from Wally. "Hey" he complained as I took a sip. "Maybe if you focused more on your surroundings then complaining then maybe you might still have a pop to drink" I said as I took another sip. "Does he really think we're falling for this?" Robin asked angrily. "You know better than to question the pros" I said as I clenched the can in my hand. I'm livid.

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