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"All we can do now is wait." She said as we startled and Wally threw the remote and catches it, he frantically starts hitting buttons to get it to go away. When it turns grainy Wally chances a glance over his shoulder, unaware that he actually got a channel until. "My fellow Quracis..." played. M'gann perks up. "Is that Haarjavti?" I asked. "Queen Bee's rule is a gift to Qurac." Haarjavti says. "Hey, that guy in back." Superboy says suddenly. "I know him." He muttered. Robin uses his HoloGlove to zoom in on the video and get a good look. "It's Psimon." M'gann realized. "The psychic we fought last time we were in Bialya. He was working for Queen Bee then. He must be controlling Haarjavti for her now" she says to us as Wally facepalms. "I remember the headache from when he brain-blasted us." he said as he groans. "We have to get Haarjavti away from him." Robin says as he closed his Holo and he narrowed his eyes. The door to the room squeaks as it open. "I think it worked. Garfield's stable." Marie says, getting the Team's attention. "Good. Because we have our mission." Robin stated.

In Dhabar

"Haarjavti's alone." Robin informs us before he, Kid Flash, Superboy, and I  drop out of the ceiling. All of us landing silently, Robin and I are facing Haarjavti's desk, while KF and Superboy face the two doors in and out of the room. Miss Martian remains in camouflage mode and floating over our heads, watching the room as a whole as Robin heads towards and around the desk. Robin comes to a stop before Haarjavti, slowly- robotically, even- he turns towards him. "Where's my daughter?" he asked us, he was still under Psimon's mind control. He groans, moving for the first time as he brings his fingers to the bridge of his nose. "Where's Psimon?" He asked. "Forget that egg head." I says shortly. "Let's get you out of here." Robin added. The doors slam open and Biyalian soldiers charge into the room. Outnumbering us easily. Someone wearing a Biyalian military uniform walks in. "Well, well, American Heroes, here to assassinate the President." He said as Miss Martian drops silently behind the general unnoticed. "Such a shame we arrived too late to stop them." He adds. "Those are Apokaliptan weapons." Superboy says factually to the other team members.

"Which they'll use to kill Haarjavti, we get blamed and Queen Bee gets to rule Qurac. Form up around the President." Robin states to us. Miss Martian's attention snaps outside the room. "I've found Psimon!" She yells. "Wait." Robin tries, but she's already leaving. "Such great leadership skills" I said as I started clapping slowly. "I didn't see you trying to stop her from leaving either" he responds. "That's besides the point" I said as I stopped clapping. "I'll get her." Superboy turns to charge. "No!" Robin says quickly, stopping him short. "The mission is Haarjavti." I stated. All the Biyalian soldiers are unconscious and knocked around the room. KF and Superboy drop the last two while Robin and I puts our remaining tools back in our belts. At Haarjavti's side is a beautiful young woman with a mark under her left eye. "Thank you for saving my father." she tells the boys. "We will take care of him now." She added. "M'gann, we're coming." Superboy broadcasts as we run down the halls. We just make it to one of the side entrances to the theatre before clutching their heads in pain. Caught right in Psimon's sight. We fall unconscious.

Some time later

I groan as I try to open my eyes. "Conner?" M'gann asks curiously, and through his heavy lids he can make out M'gann's green skin. "You okay?" He said as his eyes open fully as she smiles. I groans again as I sit up, clutching my head. Robin and Kid Flash are close behind me. Behind us are all shattered TV screens. "And there's the headache." KF groans. Robin rubs his own head as he stands up. "Psimon?" I asked her. "He brain-blasted you. I stopped him." M'gann said simply, then she looks to another part of the room, there's broken glass, chairs, and scattered wood. Where Psimon lays on top of the pile, eyes blank but open, and his mouth relaxes a little where drool escapes one corner. He looked like hell. "God that fucking hurts" I said as I stood up. "All that matters is that we did it" I said as I gave Robin a high-five. "Not too shabby for our first time leading together right?" I said as he nodded with a smile. "Now let's get the rest of the work done" I said as we stood in the president's office.

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