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At Mount Justice

I was sitting in my designated room when I heard the PA system go off. "Robin, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian, and Spoiler report for mission briefing." Batman speaks plainly as I got off the bean bag and walked to the room where he briefed us on missions. Batman has a picture of a middle-aged man and a map of two countries on the HoloScreens. "Rumaan Haarjavti is the democratically elected President of Qurac." He says as a news video pops up in front of the images. One reads 'President Rumaan Haarjavti and Bruce Wayne' the two men shake hands as cameras flash and the location- in the red bar- shows that this was in the Democratic Palace, in Dhabar, the capital of Qurac. "Haarjavti has been praised as a fair, wise leader. A humanitarian." He said as I nodded. "Sure," Wally drags out the word. "Any friend of Bruce Wayne's." He said looking smug. Batman continues talking to the team. "But five days ago, Haarjavti allied himself... with the dictator of the neighboring nation of Bialya, Queen Bee." He said as her picture pops beside Haarjavti's and the map expands a little to show Bialya.

"Not a fan." Conner said as he scoffed. "Few are." Batman agrees. "But Haarjavti suddenly backs Queen Bee's baseless claim that Qurac and Bialya were one nation in ancient times." He said as the map shifts to show only Bialya's flag over both countries with no border. "And has announced the countries will reunify in two days at a ceremony in Qurac." He continued. "After the ceremony, I will step down as President so that our rightful monarch, Queen Bee, may rule." He said in the video. A second video plays. "I laud President Haarjavti for unifying our peoples and I will gladly come to Qurac to be crowned sole leader of our nation." He said as I scowled. "And the Quracis are okay with this?" Wally asked. "Hardly." Batman states. "They're well aware of the brutality of Queen Bee's regime." He said as the images switch to a picture of the same crowd. "But Haarjavti has censored the press," he says and the picture changes to a shot of armed forces in riot gear, "silenced all legitimate protest," he says to us as a picture changes to show troops moving through smoke while cars are stopped. I was horrified.

"And invited the Bialyan military into his country to enforce martial law." He adds. "Queen Bee has to be controlling Haarjavti." Robin states. "Doesn't she have the power to enthrall most men?" I asked them. "And some women." Batman confirmed. "But not long-distance. And we have confirmation she hasn't left Bialya. Something else is at work here." He said as his eyes narrow behind the cowl. "Find out what." He said as the Team stands ready. "Robin and Spoiler, you're Team leaders." He said as I nodded. Wally's eyes go wide before he smiles brightly. It takes Robin a moment to process but when he does his own eyes go wide and his mouth drops open. "Promotion. Sweet." He says as Wally raises his hand, waiting for the return high five. Robin steps forward. "Us? What about Aqualad?" He asked as I also wondered. "Busy helping Aquaman." Batman says bluntly. "You two are the next logical choice" he explains to us. "Great." Robin sighs. "Dude, you totally left me hanging." Wally whines. "Give him a second, he needs to process this" I said to him angrily as I gave Wally a dirty look and we walked to the BioShip.

In Qurac

"We're right above the Quraci-Bialyan border." Robin tells us. Kid Flash and I look out the window. "A border the Bialyans are in the process of ignoring." I add. I watched as Tanks ran over the barbed wire fence, heading towards a herd of animals. Spooking them when they get too close. Foot soldiers follow behind the tanks with flashlights and guns. "No opposition." Conner mutters. "Guess Haarjavti really is in bed with Bialya." He added. Robin looks up from his HoloGlove. "Wouldn't expect opposition here." Superboy turns. "It's an animal sanctuary." He explains. "The Logan Animal Sanctuary?" M'gann says as she reads off his Holo, her voice getting excited. Robin turns, his confusion showing not only in his posture but in his voice too "You've heard of it?" He asked her, I was also curious to how she would answer. "Guys, tanks have caused a stampede." He said as he follows the direction they're heading and two people with an injured animal unaware. "With civilians in harm's way." He exclaimed. Superboy uses his enhanced sight to get another look. "I see them. Woman and a small boy." He adds. "We have to help them." M'gann says.

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