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"It is true, we have come to rely on M'gann's telepathy over our radios" Kaldur said as he turned to look at Roy. "So let's stop looking to place blame and start looking for Cheshire" Wally said angrily, he was trying his hardest to defend the green archer. "Here, since I clearly can't be trusted" she said said as she tossed the tracking receiver at Roy's face. It nearly hits him but he catches it with one hand just in time. Wally takes the device from him and turns around to face the blonde before he hands it back to her. "Artemis" he said as she looks at his feet before her dark eyes met his green ones. "It's fine" Artemis said after she lets out a sigh. She brings up her arm defensively before turning her back to him. "I'll follow in the BioShip" she said as Wally frowned at her. "She'll come around" I said as I glanced over at him. He looked defeated at the rejection. "Go Kid. Arrow, Spoiler, and I will return to the river" Kaldur said as I nodded in agreement. "Go get her Wally" I said as I gave him an encouraging smile.

"We will all follow as originally planned" Kaldur added as they walked away from us. Me and Roy were the only two people left standing there. "Let's go" I said as I heard Kaldur dive into the water and we walked over to the jetskis. We zoomed off into the direction of something, I didn't know what. "Where are we going? Or better yet who are we following?" I asked him as he glanced over at me. "I don't trust Artemis, and neither should you" he said as I scowled. "The only person who has lost my trust after tonight is you, I mean how could you do that to me, 4 months Roy, 4 fucking months" I spat. "How long have you been seeing her behind my back?" I asked him as I started to cry softly. "2 months" he answered quickly. "But I love you so fucking much" he said as I looked away. "No one who loves me would ever hurt me like this" I muttered as I looked away. "I know and I'm so sorry that I fucked up this bad" he said as we raced to the secret location. I saw a warehouse coming ahead.

At the warehouse

"Once you end things with her I'll be here waiting for you, don't you dare come crawling back to me a moment sooner" I said as he nodded while we slinked along the wall of the building. He had an arrow nocked and I had a kunai knife tightly in my grip. I watched as an explosion went off while I was fiddling with the lock. I yelled out as I was thrown backwards. I looked up just in time to see Sportsmaster jumping off the roof and landing in front of me. "Well if it isn't my favorite deadbeat dad" I said as he scowled angrily at me from behind his mask. "Arrow to Aqualad. Located Cheshire and Sportsmaster" he said as he nocked an arrow in his bow. "In other words he's having another secret rendezvous with his girlfriend" I said as I ran at her, careful to avoid his arrow. "Rendezvous at my coordinates" he said as I tried to slice at her. "Acknowledged, sending Kid ahead" Aqualad said as I jumped back to avoid her attacks. Me and Roy took a step back so we were back to back with the other archer.

"So you're pretty much allergic to radioing a warning?" He asked her as we looked at each of the villains surrounding him. "Don't shit on the girl who just saved your ass" I said as I glanced over at him. "Artemis to Arrow and Spoiler; look out" she said sarcastically. "Hey, leave me out of your little spat" I said as she pulled back the string on her bow. I look over to the red archer as he fires and arrow at the enemies. "Fuck that was a good comeback" I said as I threw explosives at Cheshire's feet. "Who's side are you on?" He asked as I laughed. "My own side" I said as he smiled softly for a moment. "Creative answer" he said as I nodded. "Creative responses are kind of my thing" I said as I rushed and took a jab at the fairytale knockoff. "Close but not close enough" she said as she dropped down and swiped my feet out from under me. "Bitch" I said as I shoved my feet hard into her midsection. "That hurt" she said as I jumped to my feet. "That was kinda the fucking point" I said to her angrily.

I looked over to see Roy beating the living shit out of Sportsmaster. "Fuck yeah" I said as I watched him land a solid hit into the buff man's shoulder. "Not today homewrecker" I said as I ducked so Artemis could shoot an arrow at her. "Nice hit" I said as I smiled back at her before almost immediately looking forward again to block several hits that she was trying to land on me. "Fuck, this is a little too easy" I said as I faked a yawn and she scowled at me. "Fuck this" Cheshire said as she landed a kick to my stomach and sent me flying. "Fuck you" I said as I got up and ran at her again. "Duck" Artemis said as she fired another arrow at the assassin. "My pleasure" I said as I tumbled down so I was now standing to the left. I landed a hit to the side of her head and she stumbled a little bit. "You are becoming an unavoidable irritation" she says as she glared over at me. "I'm honored" I uttered sweetly. "As you should be" she said to me as she tried to stab at me again.

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