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Dad and Clark jumped down from the ledge and I watched as Dick grabbed on to Conner's hand while he spun him around. "What in the figure skating is going on?" I asked them as Conner threw Dick at dad before jumping up to Superman. I watched as he shoved dad into a wall and placed the antidote on him while they fell. "What the fuck was that?" I asked them as I ran over to dad as he landed face first on the floor. Dick landed next to him moments later. Conner came crashing into the wall, he had his arms wrapped around Superman who was struggling to get out of his hold. "Are you sure about this?" Dick asked as I placed my hand on my dad's back. "Just do it" he grunted as Dick pulled out a box and opened it to reveal green Kryptonite. "Have you lost your fucking mind?" I asked as Conner and Superman grunted from the effects of the Kryptonite and slowly slipped down to the floor. Conner was on his hands and knees while Clark laid unmoving on the ground. Dick placed the antidote on Superman's neck before closing the box quickly.

"Ugh, Kryptonite hurts" Conner said as he got up from laying on the floor and sat on his butt. "Yeah no shit" I said as I stood in front of them angrily. "Which is why Batman keeps it in an overwhelmingly impenetrable vault at the Batcave" Dick said to the weakened Kryptonian as he helped him up. "Which is where it will be returning to" I said as I snatched the box from him and put it in my utility belt. "Well more like a whelmingly penetrable vault" he said to the older boy as we turned to look at our passed out mentors. We met up with the others and quickly ran into the main room. We got there just in time to see Klarion and Vandal leaving. "Congratulations team. You have won the day" Red Tornado said as Kaldur walked over and sat on his knees in front of the limbless robot. "Happy New Year Justice League" a computer voice said as a Holoscreen popped up that displayed the date January 1. I started to hear Auld Lang Syne playing as Wally smiled at Artemis before picking her up bridal style. I watched as she smiled back sweetly.

"I should have done this a long time ago" Wally said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "No kidding" she said as they kissed. I watched as Conner and M'gann also started to kiss. I turned around just in time for Zatanna to aggressively pull Dick towards her and kiss him, once he realized what was happening he hugged her and kissed her back. "Liking this team more every day" Rocket said as she walked towards Kaldur and he turned to look at her. He looked at me wide eyed as she placed a kiss on the corner of his mouth. "Human customs allude me" Red said as I felt a hand placed itself on my shoulder. I turned around to see Roy standing there smiling at me. "Happy New Year R" Roy said as he kissed me. "Happy New Year Roy" I said as we placed our foreheads together. "I love you for you, you are the Roy Harper I fell in love with" I said as I kissed him again and gave him a hug. "I love you" he said as I hugged him tighter. "I love you too" I said as I kissed him again.

In the meeting room

"Everything I thought I knew about myself was a lie" I listened to Roy say as he sat beside me with the Justice League. "I'm not a hero or a sidekick" he said as I placed my hand on his. "I'm a traitor, a pawn" he said as I looked at him worriedly. "Roy.." I started to say, I stopped myself, I didn't know what to say to him in that moment. "Roy, it'll be alright..." Black Canary tried to say before he cut her off. "I'm not Roy. I don't know what I am. All I know is that I need to find the real Roy. I need to rescue Speedy" he said coldly. I was standing to genuinely worry about him. I watched as Green Arrow looked away from his former protégé. "Guardian is already searching Cadmus" Batman said as I looked up at him. With that the meeting was over and GA, Canary, and Roy were walking away from the table. It was just me, dad, and Aqualad now. "Something else is wrong" Aqualad said as I nodded. "You're hiding something" I said as I looked at him, he was staring at Robin.

"The entire League was under Savage's spell for just over a day" Dick said as he typed away on his Holoscreen. "We've accounted for most of that time but these six went missing for a full 16 hours we can't account for" Dick told us as Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern(John Stewart), Wonder Woman, Hawkwoman, Superman, and Batman's images were displayed on the screen. "Sixteen hours. What did we do?" Dad asked as he looked at us. "You should go, Roy needs you" Aqualad said as I nodded and got up from the table. "I'm here if you need to talk, I'll even take care of Damian if needed" I said as I placed a kiss on my dad's cheek. "Could you take him? Just for a week?" Dad asked me. "Of course I will, anything for you" I said to him before walking over to the Zeta tubes and heading to Wayne manor. "Hi Damian" I said as I walked into the manor and hugged my brother. "Is dad and Dick home too?" He asked me as I smiled. "No bud, you are going to stay with me and Roy for a while" I said as I smiled softly.

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