3. Hand Job

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Tywin sat at his desk while Tyrion sat across from him, the hand of the King no more.

'The badge looks good on you,' he told his father 'almost as good as it looked on me. Are you enjoying your new position?'

'Am I enjoying it?' tywin questioned.

'I was very happy.' Tyrion reminded him.

'Yes I know how happy you were you brought a whore into my bed.' Tywin snapped.

'It wasn't your bed at the time.' Tyrion reminded him. "And I actually didnt, I just brought her with from the camps. For fun is all. It was a mistake but she's gone." Tyrion assured.

''I sent you here to advise the king I gave you real power and authority. You chose to spend your days as you always have bedding harlots and drinking with thieves.' Tywin declared thoroughly annoyed.

'Occasionally I drink with the harlots.' Tyrion teased.

'What do you want Tyrion?' Tywin questioned as he poured wax on his scroll sealing it closed with the hand of the King stamp.

'Why does everyone always assume I want something?' Tyrion questioned, 'cant I simply visit with my beloved father. My beloved father who somehow forgot to visit his wounded son after he fell in the battlefield....'

'Master pycelle assured me your wounds were not fatal.' Tywin told him.

'I nearly got my head chopped in half!' Tyrion reminded him. 'you didn't think to check for yourself?'

'yes, nearly.' Tywin agreed. 'Unfortunately Stannis's men were not more skilled.' Tywin sneered. Tyrion scoffed not believing his ears.

'I organized the defense of the city while you were caught in the ruins of harrenhal. I led the armies when the enemies were at the gate while your grandson, the king quivered in fear behind the walls. I bled in the mud for our family and as my reward I was trundled off to some doctor but what do I want? A little bloody gratitude would be a start!' Tyrion declared.

'Jugglers and singers require applause you are a Lannister. Do you think I demanded a garland of roses every time I suffered a wound on the battlefield?' tywin asked with a deep sigh of annoyance. 'Now I have seven kingdoms to look after and three of them are in an open rebellion so tell me what you want?'

'I want lots of things,' Tyrion admitted.

"Knock knock..." rieka said tapping the open door. Tywin leaned back in his chair looking her over. "Rieka stark," she gave a small bored curtsy. "I would say its a pleasure but ive heard awful things about you daddy Lannister." Rieka tsked moving forward. Tywin said nothing just rose a brow. Tyrion simultaneously wanted her to stop talking to save her head and keep going to see if his fathers head would pop right off. Tywin had never met a girl like Rieka, in that Tyrion was confident.

" thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come visit me." Tywin drawled.

"That's all right no problem at all. I'm a partial prisoner so my schedule is pretty free." Rieka corrected.

"Out tyrion. I would a moment with lady Stark." Tywin instructed.

"I actually think I would like to stay." Tyrion corrected.

"Out. Tyrion," Tywin demanded slowly. Rieka showed no fear. Tyrion admired her for her fearlessness.

"Ohhhhh," rieka sung out as she got closer taking a seat opposite him. "Private meetings. Careful Tywin a ladies reputation is all she has." Rieka mused. "Wouldnt want people getting the wrong impression about us," Tywin smiled and rieka found it unsettling. Tyrion didnt like when cersei smiled something evil always was coming and rieka found tywins smile similar. She shifted suddenly uncomfortable in her chair.

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