11. In Death

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It was wedding central and although Tyrion didnt bed Sansa, Rieka didnt think Tywin would be as lenient. He wanted new heirs, he wanted Rieka to have sons to rule the north, rule casterly rock when he was gone. Riekas main thought at the moment was how old is he and how long do hands of the king usually last for? Because her father lasted less than a year, Tyrion maybe a year, Tywin just started and although Tyrion wasnt dead, it seemed the only way out was death.

Rieka had a few requests one was the Godswood, she wanted to get married out in the woods. Tywin agreed, that was a fine request, not too demanding. Secondly carrot cake, another easy request.

Rieka stared back at Tywin as she walked the aisle of trees alone. Tyrion looked sick, he wanted this to be them but no, he was married to the wrong sister.

"Blah blah blah I do." Rieka offered when she got to tywin. A smile tugged at his lips but his over all tough guy act won as he kept control of his thin lips.

Tywin knew if he wanted something done right, he had to do it himself and this was certainly going to get him the north. 

"I dont respect her." Joffrey hissed. "I hate her."

"Joffrey, honey please." Cersei begged.

"I hope she dies in a blazing fire." Joffrey went on.

"She would probably like that, she is a fan of Targaryen history." Cersei admitted.

"Tywin of house lannister and Rieka of house Stark-"

"Its going to be weird having our mother be younger than us." Cersei remarked knowing tyrions little crush on rieka.

"He doesnt deserve her." Tyrion rasped.

"No one does in your mind." Cersei agreed.

Tywin leaned in to seal the union and Rieka leaned back just slightly. Tywin put a hand on her waist keeping her from moving any farther away. His opposite hand went to her chin keeping her face to his.

"My wife." Tywin whispered before kissing her. Riekas eyes stayed wide open. He stayed there a long moment breathing the same breath.

"I had garlic bread for my mid day meal. Can you taste it?" Rieka teased but he kissed her again more forcefully it took her by surprise when she stepped into him instead of away. Her eyes closed and she felt herself relax after a moment. His lips drew away from her and she sucked in a breath.

"What do I taste?" Tywin mused. She couched out forgetting to breathe. They were presented, man and wife, lord and lady Lannister. Rieka couldnt look at Tyrion and certainly couldnt look Sansa as they passed. 

Rieka felt a sharp pang and then her head went fuzzy, her legs went numb. 

The last thing rieka saw was tywin as she collapsed into him. The last thing she heard was tyrion calling out her name past the screams of the people fleeing the godswood. Then the sounds drowned out and the world went black. 


"She's waking." Rieka squinted into the lights raising a hand to block her eyes from the blinding sun. 

"Rieka?" Tywin questioned touching her arm. 

"Yeah?" Rieka answered her voice hoarse. 

"Water." Tywin demanded. 

"So loud." Rieka whispered. 

"Rieka do you remember what happened?" Tywin questioned sitting on the bed beside her. 


"I will take that as a no." Tywin agreed stroking her head. 

"Someone... tried to... kill me?" Rieka both stated and questioned. 

"Yes." Tywin agreed glumly. His own wife, not even a moment married before someone was striking up trouble. 

"Did you find the man? Someone clearly wasn't happy about a stark married to a man of power." Rieka offered sitting up. 

"We did but he killed himself. Poison the moment we found him. Not to worry I will find whoever was behind surely there was another  that man couldnt have been working alone-"

"Oh thanks." Rieka mused. "Thats real reassuring. Marry you and I'm in danger for my life." 

"They will be found. I will keep you safe." Tywin assured.  "There will not be a rock in westeros to which they can hide under." he added. "How are you feeling?" He added more gently.

"Tired." Rieka admitted. 

"Tell them to go away." Tywin instructed waving a hand at the door. 


"Its' just tyrion, he won't leave you alone." Tywin murmured. 

"He's my friend."

"He's your step son." Tywin corrected. 

"I can't be friends with my son?" Rieka countered. Tywin sighed but still insisted Tyrion leave. "I dont feel so good." Rieka whispered closing her eyes again. "Can you stay?" 

"I- yes." Tywin agreed laying beside her. She curled into him. 

"Some wedding." Rieka whispered. 

"I expected none the less." Tywin assured. Rieka smiled softly into him. "Rest my darling wolf, I will keep you safe." Tywin assured. 

Tywin woke in the middle of the night. He didnt know when he fell asleep but a shifting weight woke him. He heard breathing and remembered he wasn't alone. Rieka's head was resting on his shoulder, her hand splayed across his chest. Her thigh was drawn up and across his legs. it had been a long time since a woman laid in his bed and stayed the night curled up beside him.

Tywin stroked her back kissing her temple, of course a wedding with Rieka Stark would end in near death but Tywin had half expected Rieka to be the one trying to kill him. 

He didnt find it strange that Rieka didnt seem surprised that someone might want her dead but maybe that was because what was happening to her family. She expected death, she didnt expect life to linger on long enough to enjoyment. 

Tywin smiled down at her before falling back asleep, they were going to make this work, the north would be his and they would have children he could be proud of, he could see it now.

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