12. Stubborn

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Rieka was a married woman with possible attacks on her life still to be weary of. Rieka found sansa when she first woke and found Tyrion on the couch, his new sleeping arrangements.

"Sansa?" Rieka whispered. "Sansa, are you awak-" Sansa screamed flinching back into the pillows, Rieka screamed confused to why sansa was screaming in her face, Tyrion screamed jumping up and falling down onto the floor with a heavy thud. "WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING?" Rieka demanded.

"RIeka!" Sansa declared. Tyrion's head popped up.

"Rieka!" Tyrion breathed back.

"Hi." Rieka agreed. "Whats going on?" Sansa lunged at her holding her elder sister in a warm embrace. "Oh honey did I scare you?" Rieka questioned.

"You nearly died." Sansa agreed.

"Yeah. I can see how that might have been frightening." Rieka admitted.

"Might have?" Sansa rasped.

"How are you feeling?" Tyrion added.

"Better. Tywin kept a close eye on me." Rieka assured. "Treated me like a princess." She admitted.

"He hasnt harmed you?" Sansa whispered.

"No. Not at all." Rieka assured. "How are you two?" Sansa pursed her lips.

"Rieka are you sure you are okay?" Tyrion questioned.

"Tywin is certain he will get his man. Whoever wants me dead... you are safe sansa. Tywin has doubled the guards."

"Good." Sansa whispered but rieka knew she wasnt happy about extra guards.

"Guards around the castle not on your person." Rieka clarified. She would make sure of it.

"Thank you, Rieka."

"Im not only your sister. Im your mother now." Rieka teased. "Im going to protect you. Try better to figure this out."

"Okay Rie." Sansa agreed. But sansa knew rieka couldnt protect her.

Tyrion walked Rieka back to her new chambers and he hesitated at his father's grandiose rooms.

"Thanks Tyrion."

"You were mine." Tyrion whispered. Pain coated his voice. Riekas lips twisted.


"Dont you dare fall in love with that monster." Tyrion begged. "I will figure this out . You and me Rieka. Please-"

"Tyrion stop." Rieka begged. "I love you. I do Tyrion. But we cant. You are married to sansa. I love my sister treat her right. Be patient with her."

"She doesnt want me. I dont want her." Tyrion corrected.

"It's too late for what could have been." Rieka countered. "You will always be my friend, Tyrion."

Fuck friendship.


"Do you have a line list of ex lovers that would call you insane for marrying me?" Rieka pondered.

"No." Tywin countered.

"Because someone tried to kill me at our wedding." Rieka added as if Tywin could forget it. "They saw a blank space next to your name and they wanted to be the one to be lady lannister? Any thoughts?"

'No." Tywin repeated.

"So... a man then for sure?"

"I will protect you." Tywin assured.

"Our wedding said otherwise." Rieka mused.

"Glad to see you are feeling better." Tywin countered.

"I am, thank you." Rieka agreed with a swooping bow. "What?" She questioned standing upright again.

"Nothing." Tywin assured.

"The smile on your face says otherwise." Rieka countered. It was true. Tywins face held a soft smile as his eyes scanned her face locking on her lips. "Tell me husband. Whats the reason for your smile?"

"You are." Tywin answered honestly.

Rieka did not know what to think of Tywin. He was the big bad lion. Everyone was scared of him. He had a presence that made lesser man cower.

Everyone, lords, knights, parted like the red seas for tywin. He commanded respect without making any commands.

"You confuse me, Tywin," Rieka admitted.

"I have been nothing but open and honest with you. What are you confused about?" Tywin questioned curiously. He reached out touching her cheek brushing a dark tendril from her face. She didnt know why her heart beat qickened at his touch.

Rieka had been set in her ways. Stubborn as the northern that she was. But tywin wasnt what she expected. Her body reacted in a way that her mind had been against. She couldnt control her heart or the flutter in her stomach when he touched her.

That really was not supposed to happen. Tywin was supposed to be the enemy.

"You are not what i expected... your children spoke so negatively of you." Rieka admitted.

"And you understand that my children are pathological liars." Tywin added. Rieka laughed out. Tywins smile widened.

"Maybe they are. Or maybe you dont like your children but you... is it too bold to say you like me?" Rieka purred.

"I do." Tywin agreed. "Thats why I married you."

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