21. Devil

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"You promised to stop talking about it. " Rieka begged.

"You're the one talking about it. " Tywin countered.

"Because you can't stop talking about it. " Rieka reminded him as they pushed open the door. Smiles forced onto their faces.

"Hi." they echoed.

"Are you two fighting?" Cersei questioned. Tywin liked to keep his business to himself and he loved Rieka, she didn't think they would be having such a civilized fight.

"No. " They answered simultaneously.

"We're just expressing our love loudly." Rieka corrected, Tywin nodded.

"That's how much we love each other. " He agreed. "Right, Honey Bear?"

"You got it... Butter Nuts." Rieka agreed.

"See? We're not fighting.... Butter Nuts?" Tywin countered looking to Rieka who shrugged in answer.

"I don't know." Rieka admitted shaking her head as she huffed out a breath.

"Tell me, the council isnt here yet." Cersei corrected.

"Oberyn loves Rieka." Tywin declared throughly annoyed.

"Of course he does, I'm wonderful." Rieka agreed.

"He wants to fuck her and I want him dead." Tywin went on.

"You are my husband and I'm no cheater." Rieka added.

"I don't like how he looks at her and I hate that I invited him onto this stupid council." Tywin added.

"You are stuck with him forever." Rieka agreed. "Yikes, bad for you but we get to see his handsome face every damn day." Rieka declared looking to Cersei.

"That is a nice benefit." Cersei agreed.


"Lannister Red looks good on you." Tyrion informed Rieka when she visited him in the cells. "But its the wrong lannister."

"Tyrion, are you alright?" Rieka begged.

"Yes, mother I am..." He sighed.

"Tyrion-" She whined.

"When does the trial start?" Tyrion countered.

"Day after tomorrow." Rieka told him. "I know you didn't do it."

"You do?"

"You are not stupid Tyrion. I'm the one that has been trying to kill JOffrey for moons." RIeka reminded him. "And if he died at my hands it would have been literally my hands beating into him until that fucker died." Tyrion choked out a laugh. "But you didnt do this, Tyrion. You are to smart for that."

"I am smart, at least I like to think so, but I am hated." Tyrion agreed. Rieka curled a knee up to her chest, resting her chin on her knee as she stared over at him. "Thank you for visiting me." Tyrion said softly.

"I'm sorry you are in here." Rieka said honestly.

"You didn't kill Joffrey. It's not your fault."

"I have been... vocal about my opinions of him. The only reason Cersei doesnt think its me is because I told her I would have been more violent than that and she believed me... plus we are friends and I wouldnt lie about murdering joffrey, I would wear it like a badge of honor." Rieka declared proudly. 

"Lady Lannister."

"Oh no you are being summoned." Tyrion mused as she stood up. "Bring wine next time, wine always helps." Rieka smirked back at him.

"Lady Lannister, you are not supposed to be here." A guard said as he approached her.

"Why not? My son is in a cell, possibly going to die in a few days." Rieka said sternly. "I cant speak to him? I birthed him into this world,' Rieka forced tears down her face. 'and you think...' more sobs, Tyrion had to bite his lip to keep from laughing as he looked between them. "my baby boy!''

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry.' He said backing up. "You are right."

"Damn straight I'm right." She murmured offering Tyrion a smug smile.

"Mother... I think I love you." Tyrion admitted. "Correction, I do love you."

"After the work I did bringing you into this world," Rieka mused. "I would hope so."

"You are... amazing."

 "I mastered the art of fake tears a long time ago, its amazing how far men will run to avoid women's feelings." Rieka assured. "I will bring wine and talk to your father." 

"Thank you. You are the only friend I got in this place."

"He is your son." Rieka reminded Tywin for the millionth time, she swore he forgot sometimes. 

"I know." Tywin assured. "But he will be judged accordingly." 

"Of course. I forgot you're the devil," rieka purred. Tywin looked up at her, his face inches from hers as she narrows her Tully blue eyes at him.

"Your devil, gorgeous." Tywin corrected. Taking hold of her hands, Tywin laced his fingers through hers and pinned them above her head. "But if you hold still and wrap those legs around my waist, I'll take you to heaven too."

"Dont be cute." Rieka countered. 

"I'm not, I was going for sexy." Tywin corrected kissing her. 

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