10. Smug

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"You look beautiful Sansa."

"I'm going to be sick." Sansa countered.

"Tyrion will treat you right, he is a good man." Rieka assured.

"He is going to expect-"

"He is a man you are a child-"

"Tywin didnt seem to care that your age gap is quite large." Sansa sassed.

"I'm a woman, you are still a child."

"I have bled it makes me a woman." Sansa corrected.

"Yes well, you still have the body of a 10 year old boy. You probably would have been more Loras type." Rieka murmured.


"You know I will kill tyrion if he hurts you." Rieka remarked. "He is a friend, he was to be wed to me, remember?"  Rieka reminded her.

"Yeah..." Sansa whispered.

"He was good to me, Sansa. He will be good to you."

"I dont want to lay with him. I refuse. I'm going to be sick again."


'What are you doing?' Sansa questioned as Joffrey came up offering his arm.

'Your father is dead and I am the king so I'm everyone's father.' Joffrey said smugly.

"I got her." Rieka corrected.

"My grandsire was looking for you, get lost Rieka."

"I am to be your grandmother." Rieka agreed. "You will show your elders some respect or I will take you over my knee and beat some manors into you." Rieka seethed. Joffrey took a hesitant step back before remembering that he was the king.

"I am the king." Joffrey shouted and all eyes turned down the aisle.

"Good for you. The realms are at war and here you are trying to make my sister miserable." Rieka agreed. "Why dont you put some of the manipulative vindictive nature into helping your kingdom." Rieka demanded. "Go." Rieka demanded. Joffrey huffed a breath, Cersei was shocked, no one won against Joffrey. "You okay?" Rieka whispered.

"You can't leave me." Sansa begged hugging tight to her sister.

"I'm right here." Rieka assured.

As they walked down the aisle Joffrey marched up the steps taking the stool from the stage for Tyrion to stand on. He smirked back at Rieka as she walked Sansa down the aisle. He threw the stool aside. Rieka helped sansa on shaking legs up the steps while Joffrey moved to his mothers side.

"What did you say to him?" Tywin questioned.

"That I am to be his grandmother and to respect his fucking elders." Rieka demanded. Tywin chuckled softly. "What?" Rieka questioned.

"You remind me of me." Tywin admitted.

"What a horrifying thought." Rieka half mused.

When it was time to cloak Sansa with Tyrion's protection he looked awkwardly up at her not able to reach her shoulders everyone laughed but the snigger died quickly as Tywin shot them a glare and they silenced.

'If you could,' Tyrion said and sansa knelt down before him. He cloaked her she rose and he pressed a quick kiss to her lips very awkwardly Sansa looked like she was going to barf, pale and in pain she stared down at Rieka before making a quick exit out of the sept.

"We will be wed at weeks end." Tywin remarked.

"Are you sure? Because the longer we wait the more likely you are to kick the bucket." Rieka mused. Tywin glanced down at her, she offered him an innocent smile.

"Tomorrow then if you are worried about my health." Tywin agreed.

"I'm... thats not... I didn't mean..." Rieka stumbled for words. Tywin smirked back at her. "Damnit you are like me." Rieka admitted turning her attention anywhere but Tywin's smug face.

'So their son will be your nephew after you are wed to Joffrey of course,' Olena said 'and you'll be the king stepfather and brother-in-law when you marry the King's mother. Joffrey will become his sister-in-law and your son will be Loras nephew? grandson... I'm not sure but your brother will become your father-in-law that much is beyond dispute.' Olenna said and Loras stood up a knot in his stomach.

"Have a drink Sansa, you are not drunk enough for this." Rieka instructed giving her another glass.

'You seem rather drunk.' Tywin said as he approached Tyrion.

'Isn't it a grooms duty, a man's duty to be drunk at his own wedding?' Tyrion questioned over his glass.

'This isn't about your wedding. Renly Baratheon had a wedding, your wife needs a child, a Lannister child.' Tywin told him. Tyrion nodded leaning back in his chair, yet he was not nearly drunk enough to have this conversation. 'As soon as possible.' Tywin added.


'If you're going to give her one you need to perform.' Tywin reminded him.

'What did you once call me? A drunken little lust filled beast?' Tyrion reminded him

'More than once.' Tywin agreed.

'There you have it I am the god of tits and wine I shall build a shrine to myself.' Tyrion declared.

'You can joke,' Tywin said pulling the glass from his lips 'you can engage in juvenile attempts to make your father uncomfortable but you will do your duty.' Tywin said walking away. Tywin looked to Rieka as she took the largest bite of cake, a small smile curved sansa's face as Rieka smeared frosting over her nose.

'Time for the bedding ceremony!' Joffrey declared and Rieka choked on her cake spitting it out.

"No," Rieka corrected choking on her cake still. "No bedding!"

"Remove her clothing she won't be needing those anymore!" Joffrey declared glaring back at Sansa.

"Gods, Rieka please." sansa whimpered holding tight to her.

"No bedding," Rieka begged she looked to Tywin like he could do anything.

"Well!" Joffrey demanded and rieka saw a few of the knights step forward, ready to strip her right there in the middle of the banquet hall.

'No,' Tyrion corrected him, Sansa was a sweet scared girl, Tyrion wouldnt see her embarrassed by joffrey if he could help it. If it helped RIeka see that Tyrion was still the love of her life then that was an added bonus.

'There is if I say so, so Bedding ceremony!' Joffrey said happily. Tyrion stabbed his knife down into the table.

'then you'll be fucking your own bride with a wooden cock.' Tyrion threatened. Tywin stood up, clearing his throat, the room went silent. Rieka stared back at Tyrion, grateful. Sansa still shook into Rieka.

'What did you say to me?' Joffrey questioned 'What. Did. You. Say!' he screamed out like a boy that had just lost his favorite toy.

''I believe we can dispense with the bedding your Grace I'm sure tyrion did not mean to threaten the king.' Tywin suggested calmly glancing over at Tyrion and Tyrion started to laugh.

"I would have meant it." Rieka murmured.

'A bad joke your grace.' Tyrion said laughing releasing his hand that was clutched very tightly to his knife 'a small man's envy of your own royal manhood... mine is so small my poor wife won't even know I'm there.' Tyrion added, the tension slowly faded from the room.

'Your uncle is clearly quite drunk your grace.' Tywin told him.

'I am.' Tyrion agreed. 'guilty.' He looked to Sansa and reached out a hand. 'come wife. I will tell you about the time I threw up on someone while fucking. It's a great story actually.''

Sit Still Look Pretty / Tywin Lannister (2.5)Where stories live. Discover now