15. Forfeit

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"Rieka!" Tywin pulled on the horses reigns. 

"I have to try to stop it-"

"You can't just ride off, its too late!" 

"NO!" Rieka shouted sobbing out. "Tywin-"

"Rieka please, get down and we will talk." Tywin begged. "Let me explain." 

"You can't explain yourself out of this. You sent the order to kill my brother."

"Would you have rather I lied about it, to you when the news broke?" 

"Maybe." Rieka admitted. 

He couldnt believe he listened to Tyrion, he should have kept his mouth shut and blamed Walder Frey. 

"But if I found out later I would have hated you forever."

"And you wont hate me forever now?" Tywin countered. 

"He's my twin, the other half of me, Tywin. Thats not something you just get over." 

"I know, I'm sorry- Rieka please just-" She collapsed into him. "I'm sorry." He meant it even if Rieka didnt believe him. "I'm so sorry I hurt you."

"But you would do it again." Rieka countered. 

When the official news broke Joffrey had marched up to Rieka and Sansa. 

"Your brother is dead. You will see his severed head at my wedding." Joffrey declared. "Traitors the lot of you, another dead wolf, good riddance."

  Rieka snapped. It wasnt just Tywin it wasnt just Robb's death it was being trapped here and Joffrey being a complete and total dickhead. Rieka shoved JOffrey back, he wasnt expecting it and he fell landing back on his ass. 

"I'm going to kill you!" Rieka decided. "How about that? I serve your head to Margaery instead! SHe will thank me for it."  Rieka launched herself at Joffrey pummeling him. He whimpered out covered his face with his arms. He begged her to stop but she didnt. Sansa stared wide eyed and paralyzed. 

"Rieka!" Tywin demanded moving to pull her off but she latched onto the little monster with fury. 

"Ser Gregor." Cersei commanded and he grabbed RIeka before Tywin could shout no. He flew her across the courtyard with a single throw. She hit the podium and lay motionless before them. Cersei ran to Joffrey while Sansa and Tywin ran to Rieka. 

"I want her head on a spike next." Joffrey hissed as Cersei helped him up, he brushed her off before limping off, clutching at his ribs. "I want her head."

"Thats not going to happen." Tywin countered, seeing Sansa's fear. 

"He's the king." Sansa whimpered out. 

"And Rieka is my wife, I protect what's mine." Tywin assured. Sansa didnt know why but she believed him. She hadnt once trusted these lannisters but seeing the worry in Tywin's eyes as he cradled Rieka's unconscious body to him, she believed that Joffrey wouldnt take Rieka's head. 

Sansa realized, who was really in charge.

"You will never lay a hand on Rieka again." Tywin warned Gregor." 


"I dont care what Cersei or Joffrey says, you work for me, you dont listen to them. Especially when it comes to my wife and her safety." Tywin demanded. 

"She was beating up the king" Gregor countered confused. 

"He deserved it." Tywin murmured. "But you will not touch Rieka again, you understand me, Clegane?" 

"Yes, M'lord." 

Tywin marched back to his chambers were Rieka was finally awake, dried blood in her hair from where her head hit the podium. She glanced at the door hearing Tywin approach. 

"What you did was foolish." Tywin said calmly, but he didnt sound mad. Rieka studied him past the vertigo and migraines. "Are you alright?" Rieka shrugged putting her tea cup down. "I spoke with Ser Gregor he won't be bothering you again." She licked at dry lips and her silence was worse than her shouts. "Rieka, please, talk to me. You wont be punished for this but you can't just attack the king like that. In broad daylight, with everyone watching-"

"So I should kill him in the cover of night." RIeka agreed. "At a wedding perhaps." RIeka suggested. "Get someone else to do my bidding."


"I hate you Tywin. Stay away from me. All of you. Stay away from me." Rieka demanded but Tywin moved closer and Rieka didnt have the strength to run, to shove him, to kick him back. Her head still throbbed and if she moved too fast the dizziness made her fall to solid ground. 

"Rieka." He breathed back sitting beside her. "I have little love for my brother... I see how much you love your own... so I can't comprehend the pain you are feeling in that sense... but when I lost my wife, my first wife-"

"You lost Joanna. My family was stolen from me. Their lives needed not be forfeited." Rieka corrected. 

"If I could go back and tell Roose otherwise I would."

"Roose? Roose Bolton?" RIeka questioned confused and Tywin shifted slightly. 

"The freys." Tywin corrected. "We were good you and me, do you think we could try again?" 

"I dont trust you."

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