17. Unfortunate

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It was better for everyone when Rieka and Tywin were not at odds with each other.

"The dornish are coming. Tyrion is greeting them now." Cersei murmured. "It' was poliet to invite them. Of course we had to invite all the allied regions... blah blah blah."

"What are pain in the ass right?" RIeka mused.

"Thank you." Cersei agreed.

"You arent mad at me anymore?" Rieka whispered

"For what?" Cersei countered.

"Thanks." Rieka agreed softly. "You are the only friend I got besides your brothers... i would hate for my hatred of your son to get between us."

"Im moving on. Not to worry." Cersei assured. Mainly because she wanted to bash joffreys head in quite a few times over the years.

"Thanks." RIeka agreed again. 

"So, me up on everything that doesnt revolve my father." Cersei instructed. 

"Everything revolves around your father." Rieka countered. "Since I forgave him and moved on, its been..." She nodded her foot tapping slowly on the ground. 


"you know I would have thought the same but hell, your daddy's got it going on." RIeka countered. 

"Gross." Cersei repeated. 

"You asked."

"Not revolving my father. I asked." Cersei countered as Avalon came running up stopping before them. "I'm surprised your wolf didnt eat my father with how you were screaming at him."

"Thats how I met Rieka." Tyrion cut in. "She threatened my life with a wolf and I fell in love." 

"Go away." Cersei demanded. Rieka stared back at Tyrion, he was the first man she thought she could really love. But that was before Tywin weaseled his way into her life. 


"Come on Jon!" Rieka had declared running outside into the snow that first night the king had arrived, it seemed like a million years ago now. 

"Jeeze Rie," Jon declared as she jumped on his back. His hands wrapped around the back of her thighs. Her arms hooked around his chest.

"Adventure awaits!" Rieka declared. "Giddy up!"

"Im not a horse and as the imp reminded me, I am a bastard." Jons gaze shifted down to Tyrion. Rieka tipped her head into Jon she could honestly say she didnt notice the little lord. Didnt expect anyone but Jon to be out here.

"You belittling my brother little man?" Rieka demanded as she got down from Jons back.

"Offering some life advice." Tyrion offered. "Im Tyrion Lannister and you must be Rieka Stark. You are as lovely as they say."

"I am." Rieka agreed. "Ghost attack!" RIeka demanded pointing a dramatic finger at Tyrion. Tyrion flinched back but Ghost just sat wagging his tail. Rieka laughed out doubling over her hands on her knees. "Gods your face!" Jon didnt even try to hide his smile.

"Yes thank you for making me shit myself Lady Rieka. I think I need a drink." Tyrion grumbled. "Excuse me."

"Nice meeting you little lord." Rieka called back to him. Tyrion glanced back at her. Why were the pretty ones always so mean?

"There you are." Jaime declared through an exasperated breath. "I told you to be here-"

"And yet you and cersei had not realized I was gone until now." Tyrion corrected cutting him off. Jaime shrugged.

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