2. Piss on That

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'Your house has come to our aid the whole realm is in your debt none more so than I,' Joffrey said as Loras knelt before joffrey. Loras, Margaery Tyrell and their grandmother olenna, along with their Tyrell troops had come to their aid but they were not doing it from the goodness of their hearts.

'Ser Loras Tyrell.' Joffrey said and he stepped forward bowing down before the king 'your house has come to my aid the whole realm is in your debt as am I. if your family would ask anything in return ask it and it shall be yours.'

'Your Grace my sister Margaery... her husband was taken from us before... She remains innocent I would ask your grace to find it in your heart to do us this great honor to join our houses.' Loras requested still kneeling before him.

'Is this what you want lady Margaery?' Joffrey questioned, as she stepped forward, sansa and Rieka stood at the over look staring down at them.

'It is you grace... with all my heart your grace. I have come to love you from afar, tales of your courage and wisdom have never been far from my ears.' Margaery said flattering him. 'And those tales have taken root deep inside of me.'

"Deep." Rieka agreed with a chuckle.

'I do have heard tales of your beauty and Grace but they do not do you justice my lady.' Joffrey complimented. 'it would be an honor to return your love but I will promise to another.' Joffrey reminded them. 'A king must keep his word.''

"Now he has honor, piss on that." Rieka grumbled.

''Your Grace the judgment of your small council.... giving you proper advisor as not to marry the daughter of a man who committed treason against you. a girl whose brother is an open rebellion against the throne as we speak for the good of the realm your counselors beg you to set Sansa Stark aside.' Cersei informed him.  There was an uproar, agreeing with the queen regent in the throne room Joffrey stood up.

'I would like to heed your wishes and the wishes of my people but I took a holy vow.' Joffrey said and sansa's heart plummeted.

"Should have had him take a vow when he was chopping fathers head." Rieka griped.

'Your Grace' maester pycelle said stepping forward. 'The gods do indeed hold of betrothal solemn but your father bless his memory made this pack before the starks revealed their falseness... I have consulted with the high septon and he assures me that for the good of the realm, to free you from any promises you have made to them in the sight of gods.' Pycelle assured him.

"Listen to him, listen to him, listen to him," Rieka silently begged.

'The gods are good I am free to heed my heart.' Joffrey proclaimed. 'Ser Loras, I will gladly wed your sweet sister... you will be my queen.' Joffrey told her 'and I will love you from this day until my last day.' Sansa couldnt help but smile. Rieka hugged her tight.

"No more Joffrey." Rieka whispered kissing her forehead.

'My lady my sincerest condolences.' Petyr said coming up behind sansa, Rieka kept a protective arm around her sister.

'They are right I'm not good enough for him.' Sansa lied innocently.

'You are good enough for many things... he would've enjoyed beating you and now that you are a woman he would've enjoyed you in other ways as well.'

'But if he is not marrying me-'' Sansa rasped and Rieka felt her tense.

''and you thought he would let you go home?' petyr questioned. 'Joffrey is not the boy who gives away his toys.' Petyr told her. 'you have a tender heart just like your mother did at your age. I see so much of her in you she was like a sister to me... For her sake I will help get you home.'' Rieka was foolish to think the same but Petyr was right, they were not leaving, they were not free, Robb was at war with Joffrey, they would be seen as traitors still. She was so stupid. Rieka wanted to slap herself for giving into hope.

'Kings Landing is my home now.' Sansa told him

'Look around you. We are all liars here and everyone of us is better than you.' Petyr warned her.


"Knock, knock... Oh Tyrion."

"Rieka." Tyrion whispered shifting in bed.

"I tried to visit you sooner but... well the maester suggested against it." Rieka remarked. "Thought you best need your rest... how are you?"

"I'm... It was good of you to come good to me.' Tyrion said stiffly.

'good of me? Of course I came. I'm your friend. I was worried about you." Rieka remarked sitting on the end of the bed. "You keep asking to marry me and one of these days I'm going to say yes." She mused. "Dont push my away now." She reached for his bandage.

"I'm a monster." Tyrion whispered.

"Can I see the monster?" Rieka questioned gently. "I want to see."

''Believe me you don't.' Tyrion told her swiping her hand away

''Have you looked?' he shook his head.  'I will be the first.' Tyrion have a little nod and she pulled gently at the bandages un-wrapping it around his head until the scar was visible, a slash across his face. He cringed at the pain and Rieka grabbed his hand.

'Well?' Tyrion questioned.

'You are a mess.' Rieka told him softly. "But you are not a monster Tyrion." She got closer. "I'm going to kiss you, tell your face not to fall off, I will be gentle." Rieka instructed, it hurt to smile but he couldnt help it when Rieka kissed him touching his chest. "I'm right here. You and me Tyrion."

"I dont deserve you."

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