7. Silence

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'What is she doing here?' Tyrion asked

'You are late.' Tywin countered. 

'Yes yes well you will be pleased to learn that after one conversation with the Tyrells I have saved the crown hundreds of thousands on this wedding.' Tyrion said happily. 'considering one wedding is no more.' Tyrion remarked. 'I would say I have done us a great service,' Tyrion remarked. 'me being well me, scared her away entirely.' Tyrion said slightly bitter.

'Never mind that we have something important to discuss.'' Tywin corrected. 

'A master of coin saving money is important. Stop that,' Tyrion turned his eyes to Cersei ''you're making me uncomfortable.''

''Your sister has learned that your new friends the tyrells are plotting to marry Rieka stark to ser Loras.' Tywin told him. Tyrion's face pinched, their informant was wrong, they were plotting for Sansa but they didnt understand why they would want sansa and not rieka.

''Very well she's a lovely girl missing sort of Loras' favorite fits but I'm sure they'll make do.' Tyrion told them stiffly.  After all their late nights their stolen kisses was it all a lie? Tyrion felt so betrayed.

'Your jokes are not appreciated' tywin informed him.

'Wasn't my best but I got-' Tyrion began but was cut off.

'I bring them into the Royal fold and this is how they repay me by trying to steal the key to the north out from under me.' tywin muttered.

'Rieka is the key to the north?' Tyrion asked 'I seem to remember she has an older brother... they are twins maybe she was born first, I dont know-'

'The starks have marched home, the young wolf has lost half his army and his days are numbered.' Tywin told him. "Theon Greyjoy murdered both his brothers that makes RIeka the heir to Winterfell and I am not about to hand it over to the Tyrells.''

'The Tyrell army is helping us win the war do you really think it's wise refuse them?' Tyrion questioned but yes refuse them. Rieka was his. Not Loras.

'There's nothing to refuse, this is a plot, plots are not public knowledge.' Tywin reminded him.  'the Tyrells will not carry this out until after Joffrey's wedding we need to act first and kill this union in it's crib tonight.' tywin added.

'And how do we do that?' Tyrion asked

'We find Rieka and Sansa stark a different husband.' Cersei informed him grinning.

''Wonderful.' Tyrion agreed he was distracted by Cersei's smiling face.

'we already found one.' Tywin told her.

'Yes it is wonderful.' Cersei added smiling mischievously at her brother.

'You mean me?" Tyrion realized. Giddiness filled him, yes, yes, Rieka and him this was wonderful. 


Tyrion couldnt let it show how happy he was about this but a smile crept over his face.

"I accept."

"I dont want to hear your complaints about this Tyrion." Tywin demanded. "Sansa stark-"

"I agree." Tyrion remarked louder.

"You wanted a reward-"

"Wait Sansa?" Tyrion demanded, suddenly furious. 

"Yes." Tywin agreed. "You asked for a reward and you are well past the age of marriage-"

"We were talking about Rieka." Tyrion corrected stiffly. 

"Yes. I found her a husband. Sansa needs a husband though and that husband will be you." Tywin demanded. 

"But Rieka-" Tyrion whined and Cersei sniggered a laugh. 

"Cersei you will do your part as well. You are to marry LOras Tyrell."

'I will not.'

'He is at a high garden, you will secure the reach.' Tywin said calmly.

'No I won't do that.' cersei shouted, this was taking a turn for her.

'You will, you are still young, you need to marry again and breed.' Tywin told her.

'I am queen regent!' she screamed 'I'm not some broodmare.'

'You're my daughter!' he screamed back 'you will do is I command and you will marry Loras Tyrell and put an end to the disgusting rumors about you once and for all.'

'Father don't make me do this again.' Cersei whined. 

'Not another word,' he said slamming his hands down the table rising from a seat. 'my children...' he said disgusted. 'you two have both been a disgrace to the Lannister name for far too long...'

"Father rieka-"

"Cersei do you remember your mother?" Tywin countered.

"Of course i do." Cersei whispered sharply.

"She always knew how to make me laugh. She was so filled with life and... love. Joanna was trouble if you velieve it or not. I fell in love with her quickly. Some might say at first glance but it was first words. It had been years since I saw her-"

Tyrion had never seen his father in all his years talk of their mother. So he remained silent leaning in, his anger subsiding. 

"And one of the first things she said to me was 'Tywin i would say its a pleasure but ive been hearing some awful things about you dearie'." Tywin chuckled at the memory. Tyrion thought of rieka.

"Rieka is not mother incarnated," Tyrion cut in.

"I know that." Tywin assured sharply. "But she is quite similar to her in certain ways i can see it already. You dont deserve rieka." Tywin added that extra jab to tyrions pride.

"Father Rieka is a child-" Cersei tried, Rieka had become her friend and she didnt want to lose her to her father. 

"Sansa is a child."  Tyrion cut in. "Give me RIeka, I will secure the north!" he begged. 

"Silence." Tywin demanded. "Rieka will be your step mother. Continue to treat her with respect," tywin demanded his children. "Go tell sansa the good news." Tywin instructed. "The both of you are dismissed."

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