26. Faking Sympathy

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Tommen was a sweetie and he adored Rieka. Rieka was so excited to be a mother. She had loved being a big sister and lost her siblings one at a time but she loved taking care of her little brothers and arya.

Rieka smiled touching her stomach. Tywin watched her as he leaned up against the doorframe. Watched tommen dote on her.

"How does it work?" Tommen questioned.

"I dont know the science of it." Rieka admitted reaching out to stroke his very blonde hair. "But the seed and egg bind together and then bam. Baby."

"And how does the seed get to the egg?"

"I thought your grandfather had this talk with you?" Rieka countered. Tommen touched her stomach.

"Mother has been really distant lately." Tommen offered instead.

"Shes just worried she is going to lose you. Wants to take precautions."

"So she pushed me away?"

"Just give her time, I'm sure its more about the unions than about you. Go to her, talk to her, she loves you so much. It is in her DNA to love you. Who couldnt love you, Tommen?"

"You are going to be good mum." Tommen informed her hugging her again.

"I hope so. But right now, lets get you ready for this wedding."

The people loved Queen Margaery, Cersei hated how they called her in the streets. Tywin was preparing for Cersei and LOras wedding, Cersei couldnt stand that, she had to stop it. She just didnt know how. Then she thought of it. Make the world see what a monster Loras was with his infliction, that would do it. After this wedding she was secure her place by having Loras... disposed of.

''I am his and he is mine from this day until the end of my days,' and with that a kiss was sealed Margaery was queen again and Tommen and Margaery were married husband and wife.

Tommens wedding, the kiss sealed them forever. Rieka stood beside Tywin, Jaime and Cersei as they clapped but the smile on cerseis face was not genuine. Rieka knew this. Rieka trusted the Tyrells about far as she could throw them and Olenna was a large woman and Rieka was not that strong. But still they clapped false smiled on their faces. Rieka hoped Margaery would be sweet to Tommen and he looked really happy. Tommen seemed genuinely happy, all things considered he got a beautiful bride and a kingdom. Only a few of the realms were at war. What else could a young man want?

"No bedding." Tywin assured as Rieka inhaled a piece of cake. "I dont doubt they will get it done." Four times actually. Tywin gave Rieka a pointed look as she sucked the frosting from her fork.

"This is really good." She mumbled through the cake in her mouth. "I'm eating for two, dont give me that look. You did this to me."

"Don't eat your fork." Tywin countered.

"I'm not just getting every last drop." Rieka assured taking a long lick. Tywin growled low in his throat. "You are just mad thinking damn I wish that fork was my-" Tywin silenced her with a kiss.

Margaery's first husband had no interest in the female body her second husband died before the consummate the marriage and her third husband Tommen couldn't get enough of Margaery.

Rieka woke with a tummy ache as she ran her hand over her stomach. She didnt know if it was a baby ache or a ate to much cake last night ache, either way, Tywin had tea ready for her when she woke up. Then he was off to a meeting kissing her goodbye. Cersei was quick to take his place and bitch about the new queen.

"I hate her." Cersei grumbled over tea. Rieka rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she yawned out.

"You know after weddings, when people are drinking and dancing and staying up late, most sleep in not call for tea bright and early." Rieka reminded her. "You are really loud this early too."

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