9. Benefit

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"Tywin?" Sansa whispered.

"Yeah..." Rieka agreed stiffly.

"But he's so... old."

"Yeah well suddenly he wants a new wife." Rieka remarked as Margaery came up to them.

"I'm sorry my dears." Margaery remarked. "I just heard."

"I miss winterfell." Rieka whispered looking over the ocean waves, the sun, the sand around them. She never wanted home more.

'When I was at Winterfell all I ever wanted was to escape to come here to see the capital see the knights and kings landing after dark... All the candles burning and all those windows.' margaery sat along side sansa as Rieka stared out over the shores. ''I am stupid.' sansa admitted 'stupid little girl with stupid dreams who never learns.' she said sadly tears in her eyes. maergery offered sansa her arm.

''Come walk with me.' Margaery told her, sansa glanced back at Rieka, she reached out for her sister clinging to her hand as they walked.  ''I remember the first time I saw you in the throne room I had never seen anyone look so unhappy. I want you to be happy and so does my grandmother you would've been happy at high garden.' Margaery said taking a rose off the bush 'but women in our position must make the best of it our circumstances.'

'How do I make the best of my circumstances? I have to marry him.' Margaery held out the rose and sansa took it. Gently twirling the stem in between her fingers.

'Has lord Tyrion mistreated you? Has he been kind to you?' margaery questioned.

'He has tried.' sansa admitted.

"And lord Tywin?" Margaery asked.

"He just got here, jury is still out on that." Rieka remarked honestly. "Sansa is to wed Tyrion soon though, tywin doesnt want Tyrion running away." Margaery looked to a pale sansa.

''But you don't want him though...'' Margaery remarked.

''He is a Lannister.' she reminded Margaery

'Far from the worst lannister though wouldn't you say?'

"He's the best of them." Rieka agreed.

''I am sorry here I am complaining to you two...'' Sansa whispered, Rieka wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

''My son will be king, sons learn from their mothers and I plan to teach mine a great deal.' maergery told her 'and your son if I'm not mistaken, your son could be the Lord of Castlery rock or the north someday...." Margaery looked between them.

"I'm only having girls to piss him off." Rieka decided. "I had a talk with my womb about it." Margaery chuckled.

"thats not how it works." Margaery corrected.

"It is if I say so." Rieka corrected. "Oh sansa whats that face for?" Rieka questioned seeing sansa disgusted face.

'My son....' sansa said 'with him... I'll have to... We will have to...' She felt sick to her stomach even thinking about it.

''If it is the pain you're worried about-''

''I'm not afraid of pain.' Sansa admitted 'not after what Joffrey has done to me.''

''Then what is it then? He was rather good looking even with the scar especially with the scar.' Margery told her.

"I like the scar." Rieka admitted.

''He is a dwarf and loras... Loras.' Sansa said dreamily.

''Some women like tall men some women like Short man some like hairy some like bald gentle, rough man ugly men, pretty girls. Most women do not get to know what they like until they tried it and sadly so many of us get to try so little before we are old and gray.' Maergery told her. 'Tyrion may surprise you from what I've heard he was quite experienced.'

'And that is a good thing?' Sansa asked incredulously

'It can be, you know we are very complicated beings pleasing us takes practice.' Margaery told her.

'How do you know this? Did your mother teach you?'

'Yes sweet girl my mother taught me.' she lied.


"Lovely, intimate, a family supper." Rieka offered looking around the table. "Should we start with grace?"

"Lovely idea." Tywin agreed as they grabbed hands, Tyrion stared back at her while Sansa shivered in her seat.

"May the Mother smile down on this gathering with love and forgive her husband for remarrying such a younger woman." Rieka began, Tywin's eyes opened and drifted to her. "May the Smith mend the bonds that have been severed... can he put back severed heads? I dont know that even he has that much power." Rieka offered with a shrug. "And may the gods show mercy to my enemies, because I sure as hell won't."

"Hear, hear!" Tyrion declared lifting his glass.

Rieka straightened in her seat and smiled back at Tywin.

"What did you think? Husband to be?" RIeka purred. Tywin leaned over pressing a kiss to her cheek and Sansa's eyes went wide. Rieka didnt flinch. He kept his lips to her ear, still holding onto her hand.

"I expect some resistance from you lady Rieka." Tywin assured. "But I am a patient man, I'm sure you will see the benefit of this, for the both of us."

"Benefit?" Rieka countered, his hand moved to her thigh.

"Benefit." He agreed before leaning back to his spot, the ghost of his lips were still dancing on her skin.

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