18. Oberyn

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"Wait Tyrion what are you doing here? You were supposed to be greeting the prince." Rieka recalled.

"He wasnt there. I tracked him down, dont you worry your pretty little head." Tyrion assured, Rieka rose a warning brow back  at him that had Tyrion clearing his throat. "I found Prince Oberyn-"

"Prince Doran-" Cersei cut in.

"Prince Oberyn is here in his brothers stead. Try not to act too excited." Tyrion instructed.

"I hear he's handsome." Rieka remarked. "But all dornish are it's said."

"I'm- he wasnt..." Tyrion shook his head. "He's not... nothing to look at really."

"Meaning drop dead gorgeous." Cersei purred looking to Rieka. She laughed out while Tyrion paled hating the conversation they were having in silent right in front of him. About a dornish man they had not met but clearly were already fantasying about ripping his dornish pants off.

"Hi. Im rieka. Welcome to the capital."

"Yes. Stark. No Lannister. The lady Lannister-"

"Im partial to stark." Rieka assured him. "But seeing as though Tyrion and you already met I wanted to formally introduce myself. Not every day i get to meet a prince that hasnt tried to murder my family." Oberyn chuckled taking her in.

"I like you." Oberyn decided loudly

"What is Rieka doing with- is that Oberyn martell? What happened to weak and sickly Doran?" Tywin hissed.

"Hes giving her fuck me eyes too." Jaime realized. Tywin scowled back at him. "You know when you want to fuck a woman but you are in public so you have to be-"

"I know what it is but she is my wife." Tywin hissed. "And I dont like how he is looking at her."

"I dont think its that." Jaime countered adjusting his golden hand. "I think its how rieka is looking at prince Oberyn."

Damn it he was right.

"Rieka!" Tywin called out moving to them.

"8 daughters wow you must be agile." Rieka offered.

"Quite. We should... explore that more, dont you think?" Oberyn purred.

"I think my husband would object greatly to that."

"Then we dont tell him until after hes in the ground." Oberyn suggested.

"Planning on killing my husband? I have grown fond of the old lion." Rieka countered honestly.

"Im planning on killing his mad dog." Oberyn corrected.

"Gregor?" Rieka clarified. Oberyn gave a tight nod. "Good luck with that."

"We think you could give me an introduction?"

"He hates me because he got in trouble for nearly killing me because i was trying to murder joffrey."

"What?" Oberyn countered leaning in.

"Well you see... joffrey is a cunt and I wanted him dead."

"Im following so far." Oberyn agreed.

"Then my famiky was brutally murdered and just snapped-" she snapped her fingers at him. "And joffrey bad mouthing my brother- my twin- was the last straw."

"I see."

"Cersei got mad as joffrey blubbered like a baby. Gregor pulled me off and sent me flying. I lay there dead it looked like. Gregor got a mouthful and a command never to touch me again and here we are."

"Here we are." Oberyn agreed.

"Rieka... you must be Oberyn..." tywin pulled rieka back a step. Oberyn chuckled.

"Are you a magician?" Oberyn questioned.

"What?" Tywin countered.

"Because you think pulling your lovely new wife behind you will make her disappear?" Oberyn pondered. Rieka laughed out. Tywin glanced back at her quickly.

"He shits gold. So thats kind of magical." Rieka added.

"Really?" Oberyn laughed out.

"Yeah the maids cleaning the chamber pots never last long. Clean it up and bam. They are rich." Rieka added. Tywins jaw slacked as he stared at her. "What? We are just having a bit of fun." Rieka assured.

"Just a bit of fun." Oberyn agreed assessing tywin.

"Fun." Tywin murmured. 

"Come on, Tywin," Rieka nudged him. "Just being a good host." 

"Of course... But you must be tired from your long journey, surely you want-" Tywin began but Oberyn rose a hand cutting him off. 

"I want many things." Oberyn agreed. "But right now I am enjoying Rieka's company." 

"I'm enjoying yours, what a coincidence!" Rieka agreed. 

"Is this your way of tormenting me?" Tywin questioned turning to rieka slightly. 

"No idea what you mean, honey." Rieka assured kissing his cheek. "Oberyn, darling, lets get a drink."

"Lovely idea." Oberyn smirked back at Tywin as Rieka hooked her arm around Oberyn's. "We shall chat soon lord Tywin." Oberyn suggested. 


"So tell me, what's dorne like?" Rieka questioned. 

"Well... sandy." Oberyn offered. Rieka chuckled. 

"And the north is snowy." Rieka agreed. 

"Wonderful, enough about the weather, tell me about you." 

"I'm a prisoner here with a nice view." Rieka answered. "Tell me what the palace in sunspear is like." she requested. 

"Golden, shimmers in the sunlight." Oberyn answered, Rieka smiled leaning in. 

"Sounds beautiful. The snow looked like diamonds covering winterfell." She added. 

"That sounds magical." Oberyn mirrored her leaning in.  Rieka found it very easy to get lost in his eyes when Tywin came walking up. He cleared his throat and Rieka leaned back, glancing to him. 

"Hope I'm interrupting." 

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