16. Angel

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Rieka and Tywin had fallen into a rhythm of pain and depression. Rieka fell asleep, pretending to sleep hours before Tywin got back, he lay beside her kissing her shoulder. She hated that he wanted to comfort her when he was the reason she was miserable. 

"He protected you."

"He didnt protect Robb." RIeka countered. 

"When Joffrey called for your head," Sansa corrected. "He could have so easily let him and been done with you and your attitude." Sansa added. "BUt instead he stood up for you. He said he would protect you... he did, here you are." Rieka locked eyes on her little sister. "I hate them, I do but... I think Tywin might be the only Lannister you can trust. Because he is so in love with you RIeka. That love is keeping you alive, keeping us alive."

Rieka didnt know what to say about that. She wrapped her arms around her middle as if she could protect herself from the truth. Tywin did care. Tywin did love her. It would have been easier to hate him forever if he was a monster too. 

"Hi Jaime." Rieka whispered. He took a seat beside her. Since he got back things had been awkward between him and Cersei but Rieka still offered him soft smiles.

"He was a brave man." Jaime remarked. "He was..." Jaime chuckled. "He was a winner, it wasn't honorable what they did to him." 

"Thanks." RIeka whispered. 

"I made a promise to your mother when she sent me away." Jaime added. 

"You did?" RIeka whispered. 

"To get her girls home, get you and your sister safe, true I would have agreed to anything to get back here but..." Jaime shrugged, not knowing why he was telling her this. 

"But Sansa married Tyrion and I married your father." 

"And the capital is the safest place for you both." Jaime added. 

"Are you sure?"

"You beat up the king and survived to tell the tale." Jaime recalled. "Yeah, I think you are safe here. Anyone that can do that and not lose their head is more protected than... anyone. Has more power than the king himself."

"Joffrey doesnt have power." Rieka whispered. "He has people to do his bidding. He has a title and a crown and a temper. But others that he commands hold the power... you still got power one handed man?" Jaime chuckled. 

"I'm alright." Jaime agreed, Tywin stared back at them. Rieka smiling at Jaime, like she refused to smile at himself. 

"Jaime might I have a moment with Rieka... my wife." Tywin requested. Jaime glanced to Rieka and she nodded. Tywin didnt like that he wanted her permission. Tywin was her husband after all, and Jaime's father and hand of the useless king. When he said go, his son and everyone was supposed to listen. 

"I'm still mad at you." Rieka countered as he offered her a hand up. 

"I know but I have carrot cake waiting in our room and I wanted to share a piece with you."

"I dont share my cake." Rieka corrected bluntly. Tywin chuckled reaching for her. Jaime was right. Sansa was right. Tywin did care about her. He protected her. He was basically the king here and she should be lucky that he loved her because without him she would be dead and sansa would be alone. Rieka had to let the past stay in the past and move on. She did like Tywin before that, she just missed her family more knowing she would never see them again. 

After frosting laced their lips they settled on the couch in silence. Tywin glanced back at Rieka, she leaned into him, this was progress.  He smiled at her, letting his hand drop slightly so his fingers graze against her shoulder. He moved them back and forth, as her eyes shifted to him he held eye contact with her the entire time. He watched her pupils dilate, little by little, with each stroke. He couldn't stop himself from biting his lip before slipping his hand onto the slope of her shoulder, his thumb lightly gliding up the length of her neck. 

He waited for her to pull away, she always did these days but instead her lips parted ever so slightly, and that's the moment he knew he was done. They were done fighting, done arguing, they were one step closer to what Tywin knew they could be. Greatness. 

His hand moved up to cradle the base of her neck, and he pulled her toward him, leaving barely an inch between their lips. Their breathing blended for a few seconds, his chest thumping with anticipation. He had her then he lost her and now he held her once again.  He grazed his lips against hers, a preview, before dipping down to her neck. He dragged his bottom lip up her neck until he reached her ear, lingering a moment before capturing her lobe and giving it a soft tug.

The quiet gasp that left her shot right into his hardening cock. He smiled to himself before finally, finally, giving in to what he had been dying to do. Her lips melted against his, the kiss soft as they slowly move against each other. She tasted like an angel, her lips bringing him to the gates of heaven. He missed this kiss, this touch. He had gone so long without such delicacies but he never wanted to be parted from her again. 

He had never wanted a kiss this much in his life, and the satisfaction of tasting her was euphoric. She was everything he imagined and more. His tongue teased her lips apart, and he took his time exploring her as she sighs into him, knowing he could spend all day like this. He pulled back, looking at her.

Her golden eyes are dripping with lust. He was about to drag her into another kiss when her hand suddenly shot up and grasped his jaw, pulling him hungrily into a new kiss. She wanted him too, it wasnt just one sided. It was perfect. She missed him too. 

It's fervent, desperate, delicious. A complete switch from the soft, lazy perusal of before as they sat on the couch just exploring each others touch. Remembering how the other moved. But he matched her one for one, devouring her with equal ferocity.

His little angel wants to dance with the devil. He was so grateful for it. He never wanted to go a moment without her touch, without her kiss, without her lips smiling back at him. 

Suddenly, she's swinging one of her legs over his body, straddling his lap. He felt her against his cock and groaned. She started moving her hips slowly over him, he couldn't help it when both his hands traveled to her hips, pushing her down harder.

"Fuck, Rieka." He grumbled, he gave her lip a sharp nibble, and she moaned into it, fingers tightening around his jaw. This woman was perfection. He pushed her down on himself harder, feeling her slide back and forth on his pant covered cock with more friction. But he was a hungry man, and he let one of his hands travel up past her hip, along the lines of her body, until he reached the soft fabric of her dress and pulled at the strings.

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