25. Baby

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"A baby!" Cersei declared. Both disgusted and pleased. No grown man or woman wants to think about their parent having sex. It's just wrong.

"Yep." Rieka agreed. "You are going to be my mentor for this because honestly I forgot everything from my mothers pregnancies and I was her main nurse until Sansa came along."

"Well has the morning sickness started up yet?" Cersei questioned.

"Not in the morning." Rieka countered. 

"This is wonderful!"

"I'm glad you are on board with this." Rieka admitted. 

"Why wouldnt I be?" Cersei countered. 


Tywin growled his eyes raking over her shamelessly.

"I only bought this dress so you could take it off." RIeka answered pulling him closer. "You see, red... Lannister red... yep. I did that. For you." She added. 

"Then I suppose I should take it off." 

The thought and his hungry eyes on her have her peeling off her dress without hesitation. She wanted this. She wanted him. As she reached behind her back to unhook her bra, he reached for her, wrapping his strong arms around her body and molding his hard chest to hers. His lips crush against her, and she parted them for his hot tongue to taste her.

He kissed her with passion and need. His hard dick pushed into her stomach. The feeling made her cunt heat and clench. Her chest felt like it was in agony waiting for him. Take away this ache and replace it with the feel of you. 

She fucking needed him and he could feel it. And he sure as fuck needed her. He didnt even hesitate to unleash his rigid cock from his pants. He ripped her skimpy lace panties from her body, easily shredding them and tossing them to the floor. They were for him after all.

He squeezed her lush ass in his hands, pulling her body to his. He slammed her against the wall, keeping his lips to hers the entire time. He loved the way she moaned into him.

His chest pounds as hot blood pumps through him. He needed to be inside her now. Quickly he lined his dick up with her hot entrance, rubbing his head between her slick cunt lips. Dripping.

Fuck, she wanted him just as much he wanted her. He slammed inside of her, all the way to the hilt. She broke their kiss to lean her head back, banging it against the wall and screaming out with pleasure as he fucked her tight cunt recklessly. His right hand roams her body while his left keeps her pinned to the wall.

Her arousal leaks from her hot cunt and down to his thighs. Her legs wrap tightly around him as he ruts into her with a primitive need.

Her body knew it just knew that she needed his touch, but her heart needs his lips and it clenched as he gives them to her. He frantically kissed her as he pounded into her with desperation. The position he has her in ensures he pushed against her throbbing clit with each thrust.

He felt her body building toward her release, every nerve ending on high alert. His lips trailed down her neck to her shoulder and collarbone, leaving small bites and open-mouth kisses in his wake.

He licked the dip in her throat before trailing his hot tongue back up her neck. She moaned her pleasure into the cold air above us. Her heart stills, and her body trembles as a numbness and heat attack her body at once.

"Yes!" She screamed out as her pussy pulses around his thick cock.

To say that she wanted and very much needed this release would be an understatement. Every interaction they had oozed need and desire.

Her body convulses against his as pleasure races through her heavy limbs. She felt waves of hot cum soak her aching pussy. Her eyes widen as the aftershocks settle.

"A baby." tywin whispered pulling her closer. "This one will be perfect." 

"Half wolf, of course she will be." 

"He." Tywin challenged. 

"She. I want a little girl." Rieka corrected. 

"Don't take this from me." Tywin begged, Rieka laughed out. 

"I dont really get a choice Tywin." She reminded him as his hand traced along her side. 

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