8. Gramps

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Cersei knew that all her life all she ever wanted was to make her father happy to please him. She thought back to a conversation she had with Rieka, she wondered how her life would have been different if she had a better father. One she didnt feel the need to please at every turn. 


"I thought I might find you here." Cersei had remarked.

"WHy did he do it?" Rieka whispered sitting on the catwalk, her legs draped over the edge. Cersei stopped before her waving her guard off. Ned starks head sat severed above them.

"I didnt want him dead." Cersei assured She knew a dead wolf was useless. "I dont know what came over him... I am.... sorry." Rieka looked to her and she didnt seem happy about this.

"Do you love your father?"

"I wanted to please my father more than anything." Cersei remarked. "I was never good enough for him though..."

"I was his favorite person and he mine." Rieka remarked. "I loved my father most in the world... he... he..." Avalon nestled against her leg and Rieka let a tear slip. "Let me guess, Joffrey wants to kill my wolf too, make a point?"

"I told him your wolf is dimwitted." Cersei offered.


"PLays, eats and sleeps, not smart enough for an attack."

"Why do that? Sansa told me what happened on the kings road with Lady and Nymeria."

"We girls have to stick together."

"I know boys like Joffrey... he is going to do what he wants. He is the king, he doesnt need to listen to his mother, if he ever did."

"My dear... No you don't." Cersei corrected. "You have never met a boy like Joffrey and I pray you never do again." 


"Rieka, there is something you need to know." Cersei remarked. She knew it should come from a friend. Rieka put her brush down spinning around in her chair. 

"Oh you got your serious face on, is this about margaery? I'm still debating if I believe her I'm so holy bull," RIeka admitted. 

"Considering you called it Bull, I'm going to call bullshit on Margaery Tyrell." Cersei laughed back. "But this isnt about her." 

"Oh? Is something wrong?" 

"My father... well he, he has set a union for you and sansa." Cersei remarked. 

"Oh great, with whom?" Rieka questioned. 


'I would much rather have Loras married off to Sansa, or Rieka, she is a lovely girl.'' Olenna informed Tywin. 'Cersei is old, loras is young. I don't want him tied down to her. to the Lannister name.'' olenna hissed out.

'No.' Tywin said simply and utterly annoyed.

'You may have the stomach for blood shed but this is a completely other matter,' olenna assured him.

'My stomach remains quite strong the only thing that might turn it could be the details of your grandsons nocturnal activities,' tywin countered. 'do you deny them?''

''Not at all.' Olenna admitted. 'a sword swallower through and through.' olenna told him, sipping her wine.

''His affliction, when a boy with his affliction should be grateful for the opportunity to marry one of the most beautiful woman in the kingdoms and remove the stain from his name.' tywin told her calmly.

Sit Still Look Pretty / Tywin Lannister (2.5)Where stories live. Discover now