14. Twin

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Rieka tried and failed at hiding the smile on her face when tywin kissed her.

"I have a meeting but I want to have supper with you." Tywin stroked a hand along her side down her hip. "I will find you later." Rieka nodded in agreement when she saw Sansa and margaery talking. She was glad sansa made a friend since rieka had been AWOL.

"Dont take too long. My stomach waits for no man." Rieka mused.

Cersei smirked when she saw rieka.

"My father was smitten and smiling at the council meeting. He is in love. I never thought i would be happy for him to find love again especially since i claimed you first."

"Oh cersei are not my type. Im flattered." Rieka assured with a dramatic wink

"Im everyones type." Cersei countered nudging her.

"You dont hate me for being your mother?"

"YOu married my father but you are not my mother." Cersei corrected. 

"Are you sure? Because mothers help their daughters get out bad unions." Cersei's eyes went wide. 

"Go on mother." Cersei agreed. 

"I heard about you and Loras. I'm surprised you didnt tell me and complain constantly about it." Rieka added. 

"Well, I was hoping to sway him into forgetting the tyrells." Cersei agreed. 

"Thats not happening." RIeka agreed. "So as mother it is my duty to make sure my children are happy and I dont want you miserable."

"Thank you, Rieka. I knew you marrying my father would benefit me somehow in the end." 

"The wedding... the Freys... Yes I intercepted this." Tyrion agreed. Tywin didnt acknowledge Tyrion however. "You set up an attack on the north. On riekas brother. Her twin..." Tyrion tsked. 

Tywin looked up from his desk. He put his quill back in the ink pot it clinked as it dropped down. Staring back at tyrion he needed no clarification but he knew tyrion would continue either way. So tywin leaned back into his chair crossing an ankle over his knee.

"She is going to hate you forever." Tyrion added. "You couldnt just let him live, no because that wouldnt make Rieka the heir to winterfell and you needed Robb dead. Rieka is going to want you dead however." 

"She will-"

"Get over it?" Tyrion pondered. "Like you got over it when mother died giving birth to me?" Tyrion countered. "It's very different yet similar... you didnt robb personally but it was your command. I didnt mean to kill my mother yet she died giving birth to me, you see? You see how you forgave me and we are the best of friends now- oh wait..." Tyrion dead panned. 

"Go away." Tywin demanded. "Your opinion was not requested."

"But you needed my input." Tyrion countered. 

"I really didnt" Tywin corrected. 

So Tywin had to give Rieka a warning. It would be done already there was no stopping it, no ravens no messengers would be fast enough to stop what was coming. Tyrion was right, Tywin needed Robb dead but he didnt think about Rieka when he commanded it be done.  He was thinking about his family, rieka wasnt his family yet. He hadnt fallen for her yet and now that he had it made it worse. Because his heart hurt having to break hers. 

"Rieka..." Tywin was going to miss that kiss, he could tell already, he had grown used to that smile and those lips on his. He stroked his hands over her arms building up his courage. 

"Hi, ready for supper?"

"I have something to tell you first." Tywin countered. "And you are not going to like it."

"Great start." Rieka agreed. "Okay. Go for it, I'm ready." 

"Your brother is going to die."

"Love the optimism- oh wait. That actually would be optimistic for you." Rieka sassed. "Robb-"

"I sent out the order before we were wed. I thought you should know. Hear it from me."

Rieka stared back at him over the supper table speechless. She clenched her fork tighter and realized there was strategically no knife before her.

"Rieka let me explain-"

"Hes my twin!" Rieka shouted. "You... you..." She couldnt breathe. "I have to-"

"No messenger will be fast enough to stop this." Tywin countered. "You understand we are in a war-"

"Marrying you was supposed to stop this war! We were supposed to talk to Robb!" Rieka demanded. "Figure things out, not kill him!" 

"I'm sorry Rieka. I wasnt thinking- by the time I remembered... I forgot, honestly I forgot!" Tywin admitted. "The raven came in today, the wedding will be-"

"At a wedding?" RIeka rasped. 

"Rieka I'm so-"

Rieka marched out slamming the door behind her. He should have kept his mouth shut. 

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