24. Impending Doom

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Undo It / Viserys Targaryen / Rieka Stark Is out now! Rieka makes her HOTD debut!

"What happens when Oberyn loses?" 

"Lets pray otherwise." Jaime suggested. 

"WHat happens?" RIeka demanded as Oberyn and Gregor dueled. 

"Tyrion is sentenced to death." Jaime answered. 

"And then?"

"I wont let it happen." Jaime assured through clenched teeth. "He is my brother." 

"The rest of your family doesnt seem to care about bloodline." Rieka countered. "What happens when i have a child? Are they going to be so easily tossed aside by Tywin and Cersei at the first chance?" 

"I won't lie to you," Jaime remarked. "I was the golden son for years. Father loved me most but... he changed became harder and darker and colder, more cruel but more strategic, he didnt care about happiness, not even his own... that is until something changed again when he met you."

"I'm magical." Rieka agreed. 

"You changed him, so I have complete faith that if you are blessed with a child, he love it more than he ever loved us. Give him a son to be proud of and you will be the golden on Rieka." 

Oberyn dropped dead with a sickening crunch and gregor fell to his knees not long after. Oberyn dropped first, Tyrions champion. 


His mouth moved wordlessly, he wouldnt let his little brother die.

"Tywin please you can't do this, send him to the wall, thats really more of a punishment, no women for the rest of his life." Rieka assured. 


"Tywin, please, I'm your wife can't you listen to me for once?" 

"I listen to you often but right now it is out of my hands." Tywin countered. 

"Hes your son." Rieka whined out. 

"His champion lost. It was a fair duel." Tywin countered.

"No it wasn't." Rieka corrected.

"My dearest-"

"She isnt yours." Tyrion rasped. Rieka turned to the door seeing tyrion with a crossbow.

"Tyrion what are you doing?" Tywin demanded. Rieka got up hesitantly. "Put the crossbow down. You are frightening rieka."

"This arrow isnt meant to for rieka. I still love her." Tyrion corrected. Rieka moved to him kneeling before him.

"Tyrion," she whispered putting her forehead against his.

"He wanted me dead." Tyrion reminded her, holding back whimpered emotions. 

"I'm pregnant." Rieka whispered. Tyrions jaw dropped

"No." Tyrion whimpered. Tywins smile grew. SHe was? Oh this was the best day ever!

"I know you hate him. But tyrion... don't make my baby grow up without a father," rieka requested.

"Rieka..." Tyrion begged, his lips pursed and his eyes watered, she was quite possibly his first real love and his father stole her away from him. He deserved to die for that alone but looking into her eyes, he didnt want to break her heart. He never wanted to break her heart. He wanted to be the one to cherish and hold her heart. 

"Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for being a good guy. You are the first man I ever loved Tyrion." Rieka informed him. He let her take the crossbow. She put it down sliding it away. She pressed a kiss gently to his lips. "There is never going to be another boy like you tyrion Lannister."

"I love you." Tyrion whispered.

"Go tyrion. Be free. Forget about this stupid place." Rieka requested. Tyrion nodded silent tears in his eyes. He pressed a kiss to her lips again before turning and heading out.

"He wasnt going to kill me. Im his father." Tywin remarked almost as confident as he felt.

"He was going to kill you because you never treated him like a son." Rieka corrected rising up. "This baby will be different. If its small like tyrion. Tall like jaime. I don't care. Im going to love this baby. If its dimwitted or witty im going to love this baby. If-"

"I understand," tywin assured. "As will I."

"Yet it was your job to love tyrion after he was born and his mother died and you failed." Rieka reminded him. 

"Don't die then." Tywin offered. "You are really pregnant?"

"Im late," Rieka agreed. "Thought it was the stress of tyrions impending doom". Tywin moved to her wrapping his arms around her. She let herself embrace his warmth. "But I'm late..."

"We are having a baby."

Sit Still Look Pretty / Tywin Lannister (2.5)Where stories live. Discover now