30. Little Lion

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~Three years later~

"Tell me again, daddy." Robb requested jumping up on tywins lap.

"Your mother was the most beautiful and sassiest woman in the world" Tywin answered. "She always said what was on her mind and she adored you from the moment she found out she was pregnant."

"Tell me about her eyes!"

"They match yours my little lion". Tywin remarked. Blonde Lannister hair but tully blue eyes.

"He did good." 

"I'm impresed as well."

"Look at how big be already... I wish I could hold him." 

"Which one Rieka?" Robb laughed out. Rieka swatted at her twin. 

"Robbie, I regret naming him after you, I forgot how annoying you could be." Rieka sassed as she smiled down at her baby boy. 

"Tywin finally got him that puppy you requested." Ned added. "He... seems a good man." Ned admitted wrapping an arm around Rieka. "He kept Robbie safe." 

"He knew I would come back from the dead and kill him if he didnt." Rieka offered. 

"MAMA!" Robbie declared waving up at the clouds. Tywin followed his gaze he just saw blues skies and beautiful fluffy white clouds. 

"Mama is looking out for you." Tywin agreed. 

"You think he sees me?" Rieka questioned waving down. 

"I hoped every day that when you looked up into the clouds you saw me, knew I was looking out for you." Ned agreed. 

"I always hoped." Rieka agreed. 

"Tell me again." Robbie instructed. Tywin laughed out. 

"Well she insulted me when I met her again at the castle."

"Oh mama." Robbie laughed as if that was typical Rieka and he knew it. It was typical rieka but that fact that Robbie would know that made rieka's heart swell. Her baby boy wouldnt forget her like Tywin had made the kids forget about Joanna. He stopped talking about her, acted like she didnt exist. But not Rieka. Robbie knew all their best and age appropriate stories. He knew about Rieka's past, her childhood stories she shared when Cersei and Tywin. He knew about Robb and Eddard. The two men he was named after. 

Rieka was so damn proud of Tywin for sticking to his word and for keeping her memory alive. 


"Yes sweetheart?" Ned questioned. 

"You never told me who Jon's mother is." Rieka recalled. 

"It's a long story." Ned countered. 

"You never told me either and i have been here longer than you." Robb agreed. 

"I would like to know." Catelyn admitted coming up behind them. "Oh Robbie has gotten so big! Rickon I remember when you little like that."  Catelyn smushed Rickon to her. 

"I'm not a kid mum, I know I stopped aging when I died but I'm practically a grown up." Rickon corrected. 

"Well?" Rieka questioned. "Come on, Tywin lannister of all people kept my memory alive for my son, who are we going to tell? We can't tell Jon until he dies and hopefully that won't be for a very long time." Rieka commanded. 

"I suppose you are right" Ned admitted glancing around his ghostly family. 

"I am always right." Rieka agreed. 

"Lyanna Stark."

"You what!"  Catelyn shouted. 

"INCEST!" Robb hissed out. 

"Wait, wait, wait!" Rieka countered. "You forked your-"

"Rhaegar Targaryen is his true father." Ned cut in. "Forked?"

"I can't say fork in heaven." Rieka agreed. "Fork, fork, fork, havent you people tried to cuss up here. It doesnt work."

"Shirt. Shirt... fork, wow!" Robb declared. 

"Would you two stop it?" Catelyn snapped back. 


"Forkity, fork-"

"Stop fake cussing." Ned begged. 

"It's weird!" Rieka countered.

"It's not the point is what is it!" Catelyn demanded. "You made me think-"

"It was to protect him." Ned corrected. "All of us."

"Jon is Targaryen." Rieka realized before smiling down at Robbie and Tywin staring up at the clouds, it looked like they were staring right up at her. 

"This explains a lot about Rieka actually."  Robb remarked

"What does?" Rieka sassed. 

"Aunt Lyanna liked older men in power." Robb answered. "And you married Tywin."

"I thought you were comparing Tywin to kings blood, he would have liked that."

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