6. Endgame

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Different kind of beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera Targaryen out now!

" How are you enjoying the capital?" Tywin questioned over supper.

"It's been great especially the part where your grandson grandson started executing my family." She took a bite of her salad crunching down on a crouton.

"Yes that was unfortunate." He agreed. "I am sorry."

"Are you?" Rieka countered.

"Yes." he agreed.

"Why is that?" Rieka questioned.

"A dead wolf is no use to me." he admitted honestly.

"Or a missing wolf". Rieka agreed. "But arya slipped through cerseis fingers." She wiggled her fingers in front of him. "How disappointing for you really your family just keeps screwing up." she remarked lightly.

"Yes well they are failures I'm hoping a new union will bring me better options." Tywin admitted testing the waters as he swirled his wine.

"I didn't realize you were looking for suitors. How is that going? Lady olenna Tyrell the grandmother of the future queen, she's single I'm sure you two have a lot in common." Rieka declared. Tywin chuckled.

"We would kill each other before the ink dried." he corrected bluntly.

"I think she's more likely to kill you first. Do you never know what a woman is capable of." rieka remarked. Tywin hesitated before taking a sip of his wine. "Did I worry you? I'm not a killer, yet." 

"You are a brave woman, Rieka." Tywin remarked. 

"Thank you, why do you think I am though, you just met me."  Rieka countered. 

"You come into my office, so brazen, so bold, you didnt worry about the repercussions." Tywin remarked. 

"YOu see I know a bit about you Tywin Lannister." Rieka countered leaning forward. "Like you need me alive." 

"Do I?" Tywin countered leaning forward to match her. 

"A dead wolf is useless to you, a living one well... thats a bargaining chip for Jaime, thats power, that's strength. My strength." 

"You mean to tell me you are going to fight me at every turn? You dont hold punches?" Tywin mused. 

"You mean to think you expected me to sit still and look pretty?" Rieka countered. "You don't know me at all Tywin." 

"And you mistake me for a man that doesnt know what a woman needs." Tywin purred and Rieka faltered leaning back in her chair confused. 

"What do I need?" Rieka asked after a hesitant silent moment. Tywin chuckled taking another sip of his wine. 


'He's such a splendid fighter.' Sansa said as they watched Loras duel with another knight Margaery smiled over at her 'do you have any idea when we might...'

'I'll plant the seed as soon as Joffrey and I are married it should go quickly.'

'Joffrey won't let me leave he's got too many reasons to keep me here.' Sansa muttered.

'And only one to let you go,' Margaery told her 'because it will please me.''

Rieka had walked Sansa back to her room when she was cornered by Margaery.

"Rieka, I was hoping we could speak."

"Of course your future grace." Rieka agreed.

"I... I know things are moving quickly with Sansa and I am sorry if you-"

"I'm fine here. I will survive." Rieka assured. "I'm glad you are trying to give sansa this out."

"Good I just... I'm feeling a bit... torn." Margaery offered. "You seem close with the lannisters and I know Sansa is not."

"She doesnt like them. We dont like Joffrey but that is what it is. If sansa can get out- sandor clegane offered us an out but Sandor doesnt look like Loras and Sansa is vain like that." RIeka remarked. "If loras asked her to run away during the battle she would have jumped at the chance."

"Now I'm giving her that chance to jump. We are okay?" Margaery questioned.

"We are good. We are great. Thank you." Rieka agreed. "Now lets just hope it works and she is singing in the gardens before you know it."

"I have an elder brother... Willas. Hes sweet. If you wanted im sure I could you an out as well."

"Thanks Margaery." Rieka offered before heading off but she didnt entirely trust Margaery Tyrell. She didnt know that she trusted anyone but right now she needed to figure out what Tywin lannisters endgame was. 

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