27. Guiltless

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"I wanted to get things started with your union to loras." Tywin remarked. Cersei's stare moved sharply to her father.

"No." Cersei begged.

"This was already set, nothing has changed, Jaime will fulfil his role as well but it is your turn." Tywin demanded.

If her father wasnt going to yield, then Cersei would have to get rid of loras herself. And thats just what she did.

"Cersei was in flee bottom today." Rieka remarked as she lay out on the balcony.

"What was she up to?" Jaime questioned. He felt strange not being on the kings guard anymore, he was on it for years, since he was 15 and now he was being forward back to the rock. His father expected him to take over those duties. Get married and have a few heirs... Gods.

"She wouldnt tell me, I know all her sketchy shit so it must be bad." Rieka remarked.

"And how is our little bundle of joy doing?" Tywin questioned running a hand over her stomach. Jaime hated how in love they were, it made him think true love for him would never come.

"Bundle of squishing me from the inside out more like it." Rieka corrected. "She will be a joy when she comes out. "

"She?" Tywin countered shaking his head. "You and your womb have a talk?"

"We did, I can't wait to have a girl, and another, and another." Rieka teased.

"Already planning the next ones." Tywin agreed kissing along her neck.

"Well our wedding night was such a success." Rieka agreed.

"Remind me how that went." Tywin requested kissing her.

"I'm going to leave." Jaime decided getting up.

"Good choice." Tywin agreed.

Rieka wrapped her arms around tywin as he kissed her.

Rieka should have said she wasnt surprised when loras was taken by the faith but lets be real cersei had been too quiet the past few days and no where near the capital. So When the faith arrested Loras queen Margaery demanded that King Tommen take action as she knew Cersei was behind it. It seemed everyone did but no one could prove it.

'Why is my brother in a cell?'

'I don't know.' Tommen said his hand on his silverware as he stared up at her his food going cold before him as Margaery's hands slammed down on the table in outrage 'I didn't do it.'

'We both know who did,' Margaery corrected 'you told me she was returning to Casterly rock''

'You're saying my mother is behind this?'

'She's jealous you're not hers anymore arresting my brother is her revenge.' Margaery declared.

"Wow. I suppose cersei cant marry loras now or ever." Rieka remarked. Tywin rolled his eyes. "I mean he is a criminal." She added. Cersei nodded in agreement. "You can do that to our daughter."

"Listen to your smart and beautiful wife." Cersei agreed.

'Aren't you and mother getting along?' Tommen remarked and Margaery let out a deep sigh annoyed at how ignorant he could be you it was a blessing in disguise at times.

'Oh my sweet sweet King,' she said plopping down 'do you have any affection for me at all?''

''Of course I do.' he said grabbing her hand 'you are my queen.''

"Who's the queen!" Cersei declared lifting her glass.

"You got loras thrown in a cell?" Jaime questioned.

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