22. Killer

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"Tyrion of the House Lannister, you stand accused by the Queen Regent of regicide. Did you kill King Joffrey?"

"No." Tyrion answered.

"Did your wife, the Lady Sansa?" Tywin countered.

"Not that I know of."

"Sansa would never, publicly do that." Rieka murmured. Jaime smirked back at her. 

"I heard my father saying that you claimed you would kill joffrey at a wedding." Jaime whispered. 

"I did say that. But I also said I would do it with my bare hands so I could see the life drain from his pompous wicked little body." Rieka admitted boldly. Jaime swallowed the lump in his throat. "I know by the way." Rieka whispered. 

"How would you say he died, then?" Tywin countered.

" Choked on his pigeon pie." Tyrion answered.

"So you would blame the bakers?" Tywin questioned.

"Or the pigeons. Just leave me out of it." Tyrion agreed.

"The crown may call its first witness."

"Know what?" Jaime challenged. 

"I know." Rieka assured. "You want me to spell it out in public?"

"No." Jaime assured. 

"Look, two out of three isnt bad but if you want me to feel bad for that evil monster spawn, I won't." Rieka assured him. 

"I thank you for your honesty and yours discretion." Jaime assured. 

"I knew you would be." Rieka agreed. 

"Does cersei know?"

"We tell each other everything, I'm her mother." Rieka agreed. Tywin glanced to Rieka and Jaime as they sat side by side, whispering to each other. He didnt know why it bothered him but it did. He shifted in his seat leaning on the arm rest to get a better view of them. 

"Cersei is lying." Rieka said not softly but not quite loud enough for everyone to hear. 

"She's a skilled liar." Jaime agreed. 

"What happened to sansa?"

"What?" Jaime countered. 

"What happened to my sister?" Rieka clarified. 

"What do you mean? I dont know -"

"I think you do." Rieka countered. 

"I heard she left with littlefinger." Jaime admitted. 

"Why would she leave without me?" Rieka rasped not meaning to say it out loud. 

"You wanted to leave?" 

"I... I want to protect her." Rieka corrected. 

Rieka readied herself for bed, she gave Tywin a sad smile when he came back his meeting. He wrapped his arms around her hips kissing her neck. 

"Lets not talk about the trial." Tywin begged turning her to face him. "Dont give me that look my beloved." he added touching her cheek. 

"I just... Okay." Rieka agreed softly. 

"Okay... so you and Jaime were-"

"I thought we werent talking about the trial husband?" Rieka countered. 

"RIght but-"

"Jaime is my son, am I not allowed to sit by him?" 

"You are its just-"

"He's a younger version of yourself and you dont want me falling for him." Rieka agreed. 

"Something like that." Tywin admitted. 

"See, things are better when you just tell me the truth." Rieka agreed. 

"I love you... I never thought I would say those words again. Not after my first wife but being with you makes me happy, makes me feel alive again." Tywin remarked. "How is that for honesty?"

"I like that." Rieka agreed kissing him. "You know my father used to say the man that sentences the crime has to be the one to deliver it." 

"And?" Tywin pondered. 

"I dont know if you would do such a thing, Cersei would but would you kill your own son? Swing the blade yourself?" 

"I..." Tywin hesitated. 

"You know the answer I want but I want the truth." Rieka begged fisting the fabric of her dress at her stomach. 

"I dont think I could do it myself." Tywin admitted. "Not for this at least... I wanted Tyrion dead when he was born because he killed my wife but joffrey's death is less traumatizing."

"Of course it is because joffrey was a cunt." Rieka agreed. 

"When we have children one day," He placed his hand on her stomach. "I will love them more than anything, we will raise them together and they will perfect, the perfect combination of us both." Tywin assured. "I dont know if I ever said it but... I am sorry about your father."

"Thank you." Rieka answered, that took her back, she didnt expect that. 

"I'm sorry about all of them. You love your family, I... I'm hoping to love this new family with you more than I have ever been able to love my grown children. Try and do better, be better for them. For you." 

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