Seeking Revenge and The Avenger

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I walked up the mountain to check up on tanjiro. When I got to the area, I left him. I saw he and rimuru were staring at a boulder, which had been sliced.

Surprised by it, I walked closer to take a better look.

As i got closer, they were alerted to the sound of my footsteps 

Urokodaki: to be honest I never had any intention of sending you to the final selection tanjiro, because I didn't want to see any more children die, so I was sure that you won't be able to cut through this boulder

I glanced at both of them.

Urokodaki: The same can be said for rimuru, and I know how strong she is, so I gave her a harder task so she could train more and not worry her grandparents in their graves 

Proud of their accomplishment I gave them. Pat on the had, then pulled them into an embrace.

Urokodaki: You two are truly remarkable, you both accomplished something those would consider impossible, I'm very proud of you both

They returned my embrace.

Urokodaki: Make sure you both come back alive, nezuko and I will be waiting

Rimuru: Don't worry, have faith in us

rimuru smiled as tanjiro nodded.

Tanjiro: Yeah

Once we returned to my house, they were both surprised that I  had prepared a feast.

Tanjiro: I haven't seen this much food since rimuru prepared a feature during celebrations. What's the deal? 

Tanjiro and rimuru had stars in their eyes, while rimuru started to drool a little on the sight of the food.

Rimuru and i started putting food in bowls.

Urokodaki: You've finished your training, so we're celebrating 

Rimuru: You worked really hard, so eat up

Urokodaki: Go on, don't be shy

Rimuru smiled brightly as she gave tanjiro a bowl, which he happily accepts.

Tanjiro: Thank you. I'm starving

Urkokodaki: (tanjiro, I'm afraid there is nothing more I could do for you. After today, you will be facing unimaginable hardships and your train8ng pales in comparison.  But atleast for tonight you can rest well and sleep soundly one last time)

As tanjiro finnished eating, Rimuru grabbed his bowl and filled it with more food before giving it back to tanjiro.

Urokodaki: (hachiro I hope I trained your granddaughter well)

After dinner i gave tanjiro and rimuru information they may not know about demons and explained to them that the more people they eat the stronger they'll become.

I walked over to tanjiro and gave him a mask.

I walked over to tanjiro and gave him a mask

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