Burn Bright Like Flames

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Akaza stomped the ground and made a fighting stance as he prepares to fight

Akaza stomped the ground and made a fighting stance as he prepares to fight

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Akaza: technique development, destructive death: compass needle

Akaza rushes forward and unleashes a barrage of fists. 

Rengoku parried all the strikes.

Rimuru: (so fast!)

Rengoku swings his sword for a counterattack. Akaza leaps backward to avoid it.

The two then clashed fists and blades, moving so fast that rimuru is having a hard time keeping up.

Akaza threw more punches but was blocked and dodged and parried by Rengoku. 

Akaza: In all my years, I've never gotten to kill a flame hashira. No one has yet to take me up on my offer either...

Akaza then thew some kicks which Rengoku evades.

Rengoku swung his sword for an attack, but akaza caught it with his forearm. 

Akaza: ...why do you think that is? As a fellow master of martial arts, I just can't comprehend it. not when only the chosen one can become demons! 

Akaza tries to strike rengoku's head, but rengoku cut off his arm before it connects. 

Akaza quickly regenerated his arm and threw a front punch, which engoku blocked.

Akaza: Watching the hideous decline of someone blessed with your powers, it pains me more than you know. While you're still young and strong, your life should be cut short

Akaza threw another punch, which rengoku blocked. 

Rengoku swings his sword.

Akaza jumps to the air to avoid it and prepares another attack.

Akaza: destructive death: air type

Akaza punched the air, which confused rengoku.

Rengoku suddenly took damage and realized what had happened.

Akaza punched the air a few more times, sending out Shockwaves.

Rengoku blocked the attacks.

Rengoku: flame breathing forth form: blooming flame undulation!

Rengoku: flame breathing forth form: blooming flame undulation!

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