Sudden Attack

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As everyone was in a discussion, multiple temari suddenly smashed through the wall, bouncing all over the place, breaking everything while kicking up dust.

Rimuru: (wind breathing third form clean storm wind tree)

Rimuru slashed multiple temari, but one of them got too close.

Rimuru: (SHIT! water breathing sixth form whirlpool)

Rimuru quickly spins to block the temari. However, the force of the ball has sent rimuru crashing to the wall, breaking her leg.

Tanjiro: RIMURU!

As the temari flew outside the building, laughter came heard.

Outside the building are two demons can be seen. A female demon holding a temari.

And a demon with eyes with arrows in them in its hands

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And a demon with eyes with arrows in them in its hands.

And a demon with eyes with arrows in them in its hands

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???: look at that, you were right, yahaba. This building just materialized out of nowhere 

Yahaba: the handy work of someone's blood demon art.

The arrow eyed demon looked surprised after taking a closer look in the building.

Yahaba: What is this? We're tracking down a demon slayer. Is he with demons? Hold on, there's another slayer further back. It looks like you hit them, susamaru

The temari demon known ad susamaru started to play with her temari while laughing.

Susamaru: Really, well, that's one less slayer to deal with

Yahaba: doubt it the slayer you hit locked like they're still breathing, I have to say, your way of doing things is just so immature, utterly careless. My kimono is covered with dust

Yahaba clicked his tongue.

Susamaru: Oh, stop whining. who cates about dust, my temari just uncovered their hiding place. And now the real fun begins.

Susamaru threw her temari at the building while creating another as she threw it at the building as well.

The temari hit the building, causing debris to fly, making yahaba groan in frustration.

Storm of Swords (Female Rimuru X Demon Slayer)Where stories live. Discover now