Fight Against Upper Moon Six

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Just after Tanjiro and Inosuke arrived to the roof to help Zenitsu, a third eye appeared on Daki's head, causing Tanjiro to get nervous about the scent Daki is emitting.

Inosuke: Huh!? She's got three eyes?!

Daki: I can see everything now, including all your movements. Now that my brother's awake, I'm able to show you what my true power looks like.

Tanjiro: *intimidated* true power?!

Inosuke: Shut up! Your shrill voice is really making me head hurt!

Angry at Inosuke's comment, more belts sprouted from Daki's back and attacked the three slayers.

Tanjiro and Inosuke had to dodge and block the incoming belts, while Zenitsu only evaded the attacks as he held his sword.

Daki: You won't even get close enough to start fighting me

Tanjiro: *blocking the obi* (she's using more belts than before! I can't deflect this many belts)

Inosuke: *dodging the obi* Shut up, worm lady! If you're really as strong as you say, then why run your mouth the whole time instead of killing us?!

After hearing Inosuke's taunt, Daki chuckled and grew more obi, which started attacking the roof. 

Daki: Be careful what you asked for!

More obi bursts from the roof and began attacking us.

Daki: Drop dead, you ugly toads!

We tried rushing close, avoiding the attacks. 

Suddenly, blades made of blood came flying out of nowhere.

The additional attacks have forced the trio to dodge and block as they are being pushed back.

Inosuke: Now we have blood blades flying torwards us with the belts?! 

Tanjiro: This is bad. If this keeps up, then we'll never be able to reach her

Inosuke: Tell me about it! These blood blades are bad news! I can sense that even a scratch from them would be deadly!

After a while of blocking the attacks, Inosuke use the belts as a stepping stone to get up in the air to find an opening.

Inosuke: Huh?

He then noticed that Gyutaro was about to beheaded and panicked.


Zenitsu: *sleeping* Inouske! Incoming attack!

Inouske successfully dodged the attack with Zenitsu's shout.

Tanjiro: Inouske! Are you alright?!

Inouske: This is not good! The only way for us to end this is for us to strike at the same time. But we can't expect to win just by avoiding her attacks

Inouske got frustrated and charged without thinking.

The three of them backed off as more obi appeared. 

Tanjiro: Inouske, please calm down!

Zenitsu: *sleeping* we don't have to strike them simultaneously. We just need to make sure the two demon heads aren't connected!

Belts surrounded Zenitsu and were about to squeeze him, but he slashed them.

Tanjiro: Zenitsu is right! Even if they've beheaded their demon, we have to fight with everything we've got to behead ours!

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