Rusted Sword

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After I literally bumped into Muichiro, he stopped me from falling and helped me up on my feet.

Rimuru: *blushing* (This is embarrassing. I really should've paid attention to where im going)

He let's go of my hand and looked away.

I looked at the direction he was facing and saw a rhinoceros beetle on a tree.


Rimuru: Huh!?

My attention was then caught by Muichiro's crow, literally screaming at my face.


Muichiro's crow Ginko was about to attack me, but Raphael got between us while glaring at Ginko.

Raphael: Try that, and you're dead!

Ginko: Make me!

Both of them are locked in a face off as sparks fly between them.

As both of our crows began bickering, dark clouds began covering the sky as thunder can be heard.

I grabbed Muichiro's hand and started running as it started to rain.

Rimuru: we need to get out of the rain, or we'll get sick 

After a while of running, Muichiro suddenly pulled me closer towards him, which surprised me.

Muichiro then hooked his arms under my back and knees, then started running really fast as my face got really warm despite the cold rain hitting my face.

Rimuru: *blush* Huh!? W-what are you doing!?

Muichiro: You're injured, aren't you? This way would be much faster 

I felt my heart beating much faster, whether it was from the rush of how fast we're moving or something else i couldn't think straight to know why. 

I then realized that I could already see the guest house. 

We then entered the quest house soning wet.

Muichiro: Finally, out of the rain. Hmm? Rimuru, what's wrong?

Rimuru: *blush* You can put me down now

Muichiro: r-right, sorry for carrying you so suddenly 

Muichiro then put me back on my feet.

Rimuru: we should probably change into dry clothes so we don't catch a cold 

Muichiro: *nod* alright 

We went in our respective rooms and changed into dry clothes that a villager provided and then met up in the dining area.

We spend the time catching up, and by that i ment me telling Muichiro what i've been doing since he apparently forgot what happened after i returned to the butterfly mansion.

Muichiro: How's your leg?

Rimuru: Hmm?

Muichiro gestures to my leg.

Muichiro: Is your leg alright? How did you get hurt?

Rimuru: Oh, I fought an upper rank with Mr Uzui 

Muichiro: That's impressive. I'm sure you'll become a hashira soon

I blushed at his compliment and rubbed the back of my head.

Rimuru: You think so? I still have a long way to go. Storm breathing could use a little more work

Muichiro: Would you like me to help?

Storm of Swords (Female Rimuru X Demon Slayer)Where stories live. Discover now