Lost In The Mob

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"Katniss just shot Coin!" Johanna exclaimed, "she'll be put on trial."

"Trial?" I asked.

The rebels surged forwards, screaming for Snow to die, before she could answer. Johanna disappeared as people lapped around me. In the corner of my eyes I caught an exchange between Peeta and Katniss before I felt a hard yank on my arm.

"C'mon," Haymitch yelled, "let's get outta here!"

"What? Where are we going?" I screamed, "where's Finnick?"

"He's in front, let's go!" he shouted, putting my under his arm.

I clung to him as rebels flew left right and centre.

"Is Johanna there and Peeta?" I asked.

"Stop worrying, let's just focus on leaving this place," he said, gripping me tightly.

"But Haymitch-"

"No," he growled, "you'll get trampled alive, it's a mess out here. Don't you let go of me, you got that?"

"Yeah," I breathed.

Weaving in and out of people was more challenging than I would've liked. Bodies slammed into you like the sea to the cliffs. Suddenly I felt a sharp tug on the back of my head, like my hair was being ripped out and a sensation of pain spread through the back of my neck. My head was pulled back towards the ground and I hit it with a thump. People's shoes collided with my face. I could taste blood.

"FLAIRE!" Haymitch roared, crouching by my side, "HEY! STOP! MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!"

"Haymitch it's blurry," I whimpered, "I can't see properly."

"Shhh," he said, tossing my body over his shoulder, "we're gonna get out of here."

He began to run as I felt my body jolting up and down with ever pace he took. Then it all stopped, the jolting, the shouting, all of it but the pain. I felt my body being lowered into the floor.

"Where's Finnick?" I groaned.

"What happened to her?" Johanna's voice screeched.

"Someone yanked her hair back," Haymitch's voice explained, "she got dragged to the floor."

"Finnick," I breathed, struggling to make words, "where is he?"

There was silence.

"Please," I said.

"He must still be out there," Peeta's voice said, "I'm going back."

"No Peeta, I'll go," Haymitch replied.

"Screw both of you, I'm going," Johanna argued.

"No-" I began.

"Don't even think about it," she said sharply.

"I'm going," Peeta snapped and I heard a door shut.

"Shit," Haymitch cussed, "he's gone."

"Is she gonna be okay?" Johanna said, her voice thick with worry.

"I don't know," he muttered, "she took a hard blow."

I felt bodies knelt beside me.

"Flaire can you hear us?" Johanna asked.

"Yes," I murmured.

"Can you tell us what hurts?" Haymitch said.

"My head, my neck and I'm tired, really tired," I whispered.

"This isn't good," she said.

"I don't know what to do," he tutted.

The clinking of a metal flask was present in my ears, as well as the smell of alcohol on Haymitch's breath after he leaned down to check my pulse.

"Don't drink," I muttered, "not now."

"Princess my mind is all over the place right now," he sighed, "I need a drink. Now can you still hear properly?"

"My ears a ringing," I said quietly, "but I can hear. Can I go to sleep?"

"No, just hang on," he said.

"HELP! WE NEED MEDICAL HELP!" Johanna screeched as she flung the door open.

"No one'll here ya!" Haymitch shouted at her.

"It's worth a shot," she snapped back, "HELP! PLEASE ANYONE!"

"Please Haymitch," I begged, "I'm tired, let me sleep."

"Just stay with us for a little longer," he said, "stay with us so you can see Finnick."

"Finnick?" I asked, my voice shaking. I didn't recognise it.

"Yes, that's right," he nodded gently, "Finnick. Think about Finnick and hold on."

"Is her head bleeding?" Johanna asked.

There was no reply, but shuffled movement. I felt something being pressed against the back of my head. It was cold and the fabric was rough. I shouted out in agony, but had no strength to fight it off.

"Shhhh," Haymitch murmured, "it's okay, it's just to help you."

"What hurts the most?" Johanna said.

"Everything," I said.

"Can you still feel parts of your body?" she questioned.

"I think so," I choked, "but I'm tired."

"She keeps saying that and it's worrying me," Haymitch said.

"I think she's concussed," she replied.

"I'm here!" someone yelled bursting in.

"Peeta did you find-"

"Where is she? Where's Flaire?" came a recognisable voice.

"What happened to you?" Haymitch asked.

"I thought Flaire got trapped in the mob, I went to find her, then Peeta came and got me and told me and-"

"Finnick?" I whispered.

"I'm here sweetheart, I'm here," he said, sinking by my side and reeling my body into his own, "oh god. There's so much blood."

"We don't know what to do," Johanna said.

"Have you tried to stop the bleeding?" Peeta asked.

"Of course we have," she rolled her eyes, "but it won't stop and there's no doctors around to help."

"Where the nearest hospital?" Finnick asked.

"It won't be that easy," Haymitch shook his head.

"We have to try!" Peeta said.

"And if we don't hurry up she's going to die," Johanna said, chewing her nails

"Can I go to sleep Finnick?" I asked.

"No, not yet my love, keep your eyes open for me," he said quickly, "keep talking to me if you can."

"My head hurts," I complained, "and everything is so fuzzy."

"I know sweetie but I'll make it all better I promise," he replied.

"Will you kiss me?" I asked,

"Of course," he said.

Suddenly his lips were pressed against my forehead, my cheek, my nose, my lips. I kissed back, wanting him even more, but I was so exhausted.

"Can I go to sleep now?"

"Not now Flaire, stay awake for me," he said, his face feeling wet.

My body felt so heavy with drowsiness. Everything was spinning, ringing or hurting. I felt sick but numb. I let my eyes fall shut and my breathing slow. Finally I went to sleep.

Flaire 💔💔
Hope you enjoyed
Just to warn you guys I'm going to be on holiday for the next few weeks so updates may not be regular. I do have pre-written chapters but I don't know if they'll load onto Wattpad from the country I'm going to xx

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