I Killed His Children

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"Morning sleepyhead," Johanna said, as I rubbed my eyes, "someone was tired."

"I killed another one," I murmured.

"Oh," she said, quickly, "sorry.""

"Early hours," I breathed, "wasn't pretty."

"The same as before?"

I nodded, "except the peacekeeper, he was nice."

"A nice peacekeeper?" She scoffed, "yeah, yeah. What did he do? Shove you lightly through the door?"

"No Jo I'm serious," I said, "he was nice. He cared."

"And yet he still tortured you?" She said.

"He has a family to feed," I snapped back.

"Okay," she said, putting her hands in the air.

"How's Peeta?" I asked.

"Ask him yourself," she shrugged.

I crawled over so I was closer to Peeta's cell as poked an arm through and tapped him gently and asked, "how are you?"

"I don't really know," he said, "I have a headache."

"How bad is it?" I said softly.

"Pretty bad," he sighed.

"It's okay-" I began, but was cut off by the swinging back of the bolt. Oh that dreaded noise.

Two peacekeepers walked in, grabbing Peeta by the arms and dragging him out. As they did he was screaming for help, "Please Flaire! Johanna! Don't let them take me!"

But what could we do. Watch him suffer. That was it. I peered around and found it curious that they'd left the door open. The bolt hadn't been redone.

"Was that a mistake?" Jo asked.

I shrugged in reply.

"Maybe they're coming back for someone else," Enobaria said, her voice hollow.

"Alright show off, we get it, you don't get tortured," Johanna said.

"I was just saying," she sighed.

Before I could open my mouth two more peacekeepers suddenly walked through coming straight towards my cell. I'd only been tortured a few hours ago. What had happened?

I was taken to a different room that I'd never seen before. It still had a horrible white door and white tiling but it was different somehow. A large tank was placed in the centre but it was empty. I walked in and was shocked and yet horrified to see the President sitting there. Snow. He wore a smirk on his pale face as I walked towards him.

"Hello Miss Lockshot," he smiled, "it has been a while since we last spoke."

"And what a lovely while that's been," I gritted through my teeth.

"Agreed," he said calmly.

"What do you want?" I spat.

"Well Flaire, with a relationship comes trust does it not?" He asked.

"Stop being cryptic and get to the point," I said rolling my eyes.

"Answer the question," he said.

"We don't have a relationship," I said.

"I wasn't talking about us," he said indicating to the glass tank.

Slowly I saw a figure standing in the glass box and my heart plummeted upon realising who it was. Leo. Leo was standing in that tank.

"Drown him," Snow said.

Water slowly began to creep up the tank. I took a deep breath, "why are you trying to kill him. He's done nothing."

"Trust, Flaire, remember that word. He broke it," Snow said, "and don't lie. You didn't really think I didn't have secret camera and microphones implanted everywhere did you?"

Immediately everything became horrible. I sprinted towards the filling tank and banged on the glass unto, my hands were red raw. Leo looked into my eyes and only shook his head. He slowly lifted three fingers and lifted them up, symbolising the mocking jay. He let out the whistle tune just before the water engulfed him.

"Let him out!" I yelled, " LET HIM OUT!"

Snow laughed.


"So do I," Snow shrugged.

"YOU MONSTER!" I screamed.

I was forced to watch as Leo lost his ability to breathe. I watched as the life left his body, the light left his eyes and the colour left his cheeks. I started to weep, my whole body shaking. Why was the world so cruel?

I closed my eyes and I closed them tight squinting them shut. I didn't take notice of when I felt my body being lifted off of the ground and transported down the winding hallways towards another room. I didn't take notice of the voice muttering and murmuring. I didn't take notice of the needle once again going under my skin. I finally noticed that I was strangling a kid when I had my hands pushing on his neck. I tried to take them off. I screamed and cried for help but no one heard me. The boy's blue eyes popped out of his skull and his face became a flushed red colour. I watched as the kid's body gave up and it slumped to the floor. He was dead now. I felt horrible. More than that. The feeling is indescribable. I wanted to die myself. What made or worse was when a little girl was brought in. Her eyes matched the boys and her hair was a dark brown. It was obvious they were siblings. Again I screamed. I shouted. And I cried. No one came. My hand reached out to grab a gun that lay ready for me to use on the table. My brain tried to stop my but it was clouded and soon overrode by the power and intensity of the injection. The girl was murdered within seconds and it had been me who'd done it. The shot rung out and I knew it was a sound I could never forget. Snow knew that too. The sick bastard was probably sat in his room watching in glee at the sobbing mess that I was as I unwilling murdered two children. I looked down at the two bodies. They were so lifeless. The girl's hair spread out on the floor, her eyes now closed. I reached out a hand and smoothed down a lock as I broke down into a fit of screaming and tears. I closed the boy's eyes and ran my fingers through his hair, my tears dripping onto his shirt. They looked familiar, recognisable. And then it hit me. I'd just killed Leo's children.

hope you enjoyed 💕

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