The Poison Berry Stunt

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Finnick and Johanna were both a mess. I had attempted to reach out to a slightly more sober Haymitch, but even slightly more sober didn't make him helpful. He just laughed and told me he had a Hunger Games to win. He really believed in this girl. I could see why. She was beautiful, talented and strong. My tributes were as good as dead. They died the bloodbath. Oh well, that's not my problem. Caring too much hurts. The two depressed (nearly) adults were my problem.

"You want to be friends with him again though," I asked Johanna.

"I don't want to live a life without him," she said.

"Write him a letter," I said.

"Are you mental?" She asked.

"Yes," I laughed, "tell him how you feel."

"And then what?" She asked.

"He replied and you talk through letters until you're ready to face each other in person," I explained.

"This is the most bizarre idea ever but why the fuck not?" She said, grabbing a piece of paper.

After an hour or two of scribbling words on paper and then starting over Johanna was finally done with her letter. It was sealed in an envelope and I then posted it through Finnick's letter box. It all seemed so stupid but it may just work. How good am I?

"What now?" Johanna asked.

"We wait," I said, "...either of yours still alive?"

"The girl," she murmured, flicking the TV on, "oh maybe not."

Just then Johanna's tribute was murdered by one of the career girls.

"Go and finish her off," one of them said to.... The boy from twelve.

Hold up. The careers, from the rich districts, have the boy from twelve, the poorest district, in their pack? What has our world come to?

"I will," the boy said, turning back. The girl screamed one last time and dropped dead. Haymitch's tribute looked sick. He looked too innocent to be there in the first place though.

"Why don't we just kill him now?" One of the girls asked.

"He'll lead us to her," the boy from two smirked.

I'm pretty sure they were talking about Katniss Everdeen. I just admit the way she volunteered for her sister was... quite something and from the amount of faith Haymitch had in her... well that as something.

"Poor thing," Johanna said.

"I know, he looks ill," I replied.

"And they're just going to kill him anyway, once they get what they want," she sighed, flicking it off.

"This world is twisted," I murmured.

"You're telling me!" She laughed.

The next morning when we awoke there was a letter sat on the floor with Johanna's name neatly written on the front.

"Told you it'd work," I smiled as she picked it up.

"You sounded like a madwoman," she replied.

"But..." I prompted.

"But maybe you were a little bit right," she laughed, ripping open the envelope.

I made my way to the kitchen to give her a little privacy, I didn't want to seem too eager or invasive because I was a good friend. You know? She came in a few moments later.

"He want us to be friends again too and says your plan is great," she giggled, "and he thinks we should all meet up for dinner tonight."

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

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