♡ (Highschool) Geto- New Years

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New Years

It was New Year's Eve and you were currently at a house party. Not just any house party, but a house party being thrown by none other than Satoru Gojo.

Your name is [Y/N] and you are a third-year at Jujutsu High. Your friend, Shoko, told you that Gojo would be throwing a party and that you were invited. You didn't really have any other plans so you thought. "What the hell, might as well go."

When you arrived at the party you were quickly greeted by a humid atmosphere. There were so many people, a lot of them you didn't even recognize. "Were they even jujutsu sorcerers?" You asked yourself.

Quickly your initial shock wares off and you squeeze your way inside, searching for someone, anyone that you might recognize.

Suddenly you feel slender fingers wrap around your wrist and pull you in to a nearby bedroom. Immediately your eyes darted around, searching for a light switch to illuminate the pitch black room. Feeling up the wall you eventually hit a switch, flicking it you look around, searching for your savior/captor.

Your greeted by dark eyes and funky bangs. You sigh in relief, it was just your fellow sorcerer Suguru Geto.

"Hey Suguru, thanks for saving me back there, I was totally lost." You say smiling at him.

He stretches while he speaks. "You looked like a lost puppy, I couldn't help myself hehe." He chuckles cutely.

You couldn't deny the existing tension between the two of you. It wasn't unbearable but the two of you could always feel it...lurking in the back of your minds.

You were often teased by Shoko, she would always joke with you saying stuff like, "Wow can you quit undressing Geto with your eyes [Y/N]..." and, "You know [Y/N] you would look really good with Geto, perfect couple." Of course you'd always brush her off, it's not like she sees you interact with many guys so of course she'd 'ship' you with him.

Unknowingly to you Gojo would similarly tease Geto. He would say stuff like, "Woah Suguru, [Y/N] is like totally your type!" and, "You should ask [Y/N] out, it's so obvious you're into her, the chemistry between you two is crazy." Geto would also of course deny these accusations and always just change the subject.

Now things were different. The two of you stood in a bedroom. Alone together. At a house party. During New Years.

The atmosphere couldn't be more perfect for one of you to make a move. If either of you were rejected you could just blame it on the alcohol and act like nothing even happened.

You walk further into the room, sitting on the bed and leaning back. Geto watched as you layed down. He slowly walked over, joining you on the mattress.

"Hey why aren't you with Satoru?" You mumbled with your eyes closed.

"You know he isn't my only friend..." He pouts but continues, "He was playing some drinking game and I wanted to catch my breath for a second, so I looked for an empty room."

"Ohhh so you weren't looking for me? Wow I'm so hurt." You chuckled.

Geto stayed quiet looking over at your sleepy figure. He was trying to figure out whether you were joking or not, how much truth was there to your statement?

That was it, he needed to act now. Slowly he snaked his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him.

"I'm always looking for you, I can't seem to pull my eyes away sometimes." He mumbles into your neck. You simply chuckle at his words.

"Getting a little touchy huh?" You smirk at him, trying to get some kind of reaction out of him by teasing.

He pulled his arms away and sat up, pulling you up with him. He cautiously pulls his arms up to cup your cheeks, waiting for you to push him away.

"Is that okay?" He says barely over a whisper, his eyes lidded. The tension between you two was so heavy and thick you could've cut it with a knife at this point.


Suddenly Satoru busted in, "Suguru! [Y/N]! Hurry the count down is sta- am I interrupting something?" He raises his eyebrows at the position you two are in.

Immediately the two of you pull away from each other, standing up and brushing your clothes off. Trying to collect yourselves.

"N-No of course you aren't, let's go watch the countdown." You mentally curse yourself for stuttering.

Regaining your cool demeanor you confidently walk out of the room searching for the tv where the countdown is happening.

Unknowingly to you Satoru stopped Suguru, grabbing his arm. "Don't mess that up, you were really close, my bad for busting in." He sticks out his tongue playfully before letting go of Suguru's arm and skipping out.

The countdown begins at 30, your counting down excitedly with everyone else when you feel the familiar feeling of slender fingers grabbing your wrist.

You look over to see Suguru gently pulling on your wrist, mouthing the words, "follow me." You nod, following him. He leads you to the balcony and drops your wrist, leaning against the railing.

You were about to speak but you didn't want to break the calm 'vibes' between the two of you, so you decided to just join him at the railing.


He grabs your wrist.


He pulls you in, wrapping one arm around your waist loosely.


He cups your cheek.


"Nows your time to run away." He mumbles leaning into your lips.


He gently kisses you, a hint of desperation clear on his lips.

"HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!" You hear everyone shout inside.

Slowly the two of you pull away. He leans his forehead against yours and looks into your eyes. He looks scared, like he just did something unforgivable and unforeseen.

You just smile at him softly. Slowly bringing your arms up to his cheeks, pulling him back in for another, more passionate kiss.

When the two of you pull away you're both smiling like idiots, "Damn you wanted to kiss me so bad, huh?" You teased.

"You're the one who just trapped me between your hands." He teased back.

You chuckle lightly and watch as his eyes shift to a more serious look. "[Y/N] I like you and I've liked you for awhile now, will you please be my girlfriend?" He looks at you nervously.

You just smile at him like an idiot, "Of course dummy, I'd love to be your girlfriend." He smiles at you and pulls you back in for another kiss.

"Okay love birds reel it in, no need to make out on my balcony." Satoru giggles at the two of you.

"Shut up Satoru!" Suguru says, smacking the back of his head and pulling you by your wrist.

The two of you head back inside and play beer pong against Satoru and Shoko. (The two of you crushed them...)

word count: 1175

[Revised: August 8th, 2023]

♥︎ 𝒟𝑒𝓃𝑜𝓊𝑒𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉 | Jujutsu Kaisen OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now