♡ Sukuna- Million Dollar Man

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Million Dollar Man

You and Yuuji have become close friends but not for the 'normal' reason. It was because Sukuna was constantly bugging Yuuji about talking to you.

"Ughhh [Y/N] he won't shut up please make him stopppppp." Yuuji whines to you as you open your door. You glance at your clock, 1:28 A.M.

You just sigh and welcome Yuuji in. Sukuna was a nuisance to you. He's a flirt who constantly begs for your attention and the only reason he's even allowed to come out and see you is because of your technique, nullification. That combined with Yuuji's will to take control makes it impossible for Sukuna to do anything 'funny.'

Yuuji immediately plops onto your bed and rolls around like a man losing his mind. You stare at him with a smile, you truly pity him.

Yuuji looks at you with desperate eyes. He's practically begging you to give him the word, to allow him to switch with Sukuna and have you soothe his aching head.

"Go ahead Yuuji." You say with a light chuckle as you sit down next to him on your bed. You don't have to tell Yuuji twice, in less than 10 seconds you can feel a change in Yuuji as Sukuna manifests.

"Hey Doll~" He says in a tone that makes you visibly cringe. There is no way he's flirting with you while just giving your friend a migraine.

"Sukuna please how many times do I need to ask you to leave Yuuji alone?" You plead with him, taking his hand into your own.

You can tell that the little bit of physical affection tugs on his heart strings. You don't know why but he seems to have a soft spot for you.

"I know I know but when I want to see you I will be seeing you." He says in a progressively more harsh tone, grabbing your face with one of his hands and pulling you in closer.

Your heart begins to race, not because you're enjoying this but because you're scared. You can't deny the fact that when he gets like this it scares you, at the end of the day he still is the king of curses. No matter how much he likes you you're still just a lowly human to him.

"S-Sukuna you're hurting me." You squeak out and his grasp loosens. He pulls away with a shrug, like he didn't just leave marks on your face.

"Sometimes you can't see me, me and Yuuji aren't constantly together." You mumble, rubbing your cheeks.

"I don't care." He says with a venomous tone. You sigh, this conversation isn't going anywhere.

"Well I'm here now, what did you want?" You ask trying to lighten the mood. It's not like you want to be strangled.

"I want to be with you." He says with a shockingly sweet tone. Slowly he scoots closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and laying his head on your chest.

Out of instinct your hands slowly tangle into his hair. What am I doing? You think to yourself, you know he's evil but sometimes you can't help but give in.


"Did you just bite me!?!?!" You say looking down at his calm figure, he has a smirk plastered onto his face.

He just ignores you and pulls you down onto your bed. Without any warning he just begins to bite, and nibble on your neck.

"H-Hey stop that, you dirty old perv." You say trying to scoot away from him. He tightens his hold on your waist, pulling you back in.

"[Y/N] why don't you like me? Every woman alive lusts after me except for you." He asks with a slight sadness in his voice. Don't let him manipulate you [Y/N], he doesn't actually care about you.

"They don't actually like you, they're just afraid of you. Someone as dangerous, tainted, and flawed as you." You say with the aggressive tone he displayed earlier.

This seemed to annoy him, make him angry even. He bites down on your neck, this time harder, drawing blood. You wince in pain.

"Sukuna!" You practically yell at him. He pulls back and looks down at you, hovering over you.

"Take it back." He spits out at you. Fear begins to take over you as he wraps his hand around your throat, squeezing slightly.

"I take it back!" You yell out and he releases you. You huff, trying to catch your breath. He stares at you with a smile, what a psycho.

"Good" He says, patting your head affectionately, he's so bipolar it's scary.

"Now why don't we go back to you showing me how to work this thing." He says, smacking your tv. You just sigh, this man practically strangled you only two seconds ago and now he's acting all cute.

For the next few hours you show Sukuna how to use the tv, and how to play some of the video games you have. You let him beat you in mario kart many times, don't wanna upset him.

Eventually the sunrises and you need to get ready for school. Yuuji finally takes control back and is met with your very tired eyes.

"[Y/N] I'm so sorry, thank you so much for your sacrifice." He says bowing to a 90 degree angle. You just chuckle dryly, you're so exhausted you can't even muster a real smile.

"No problem." You mumble and then the two of you head to school. You explain what happened throughout the night and he apologizes profusely.

word count: 930

Author-note: It's kind of funny that this is the second chapter i've used 'Lana Del Ray" lyrics for because I don't listen to her music at all. She's always on my fyp with jjk edits though so yeah.

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