♡ Gojo- Midnight Blues

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Midnight Blues

"Sniff, Hiccup"

Your eyes slowly flutter open. They're met with the dark midnight sky, leaking in through your window. You pause, listening to the soft sniffles coming from the usually confident man behind you.

Slowly you shift, turning your body around to find the source of the quiet, hushed sobs. The sight in front of you surprises you. Your boyfriend, Satoru Gojo, is sitting on the edge of your bed with his hands holding his face, quietly crying.

You lean up, making sure to not make any noise and slowly shimmy over to his hunched figure. Snaking your arms gently around his waist you hug him from behind.

Your boyfriend's usual 'confident' façade can only last so long. You were aware of the many traumatic events that have occurred in his life.

Snuggling your head into the crook of his neck you realized that he's finally breaking, unable to keep his emotions tucked inside.  

Your act of love and affection just caused him to cry harder in your embrace. He was embarrassed that you saw him like this but at the same time relieved to have your comfort.

Slowly you pull away from him. You scoot down and hop off of your shared bed. Standing in between Gojo's legs and slowly cupping his cheeks, lightly tilting his head to look up at you.

"I love you, more than anything else in this cruel world." You whisper to him, staring lovingly into his eyes. You knew there were no words that could possibly comfort him in this moment. Nothing you could say could take away his pain, so instead you chose to remind him that he wasn't alone. You're here and you're here for him.

The sudden confession from you makes the tears stream faster. He was beyond thankful you were here with him. He grabs you by the wrist, pulling you in and wrapping his arms around your waist. His head leaning against your abdomen.

Returning the hug you slowly wrap your arms around his head, pulling him in closer. You whisper things into his ear like, "It's okay, let it all out." and "I'm here for you always, don't worry."

You two stayed in that position for a long time, until his tears finally slowed to a stop. He pulled away slowly, looking up into your eyes with his tear stained face.

"What was I made for?" He mumbles barely over a whisper, looking into your eyes. The question sounded rhetorical but the way he was looking into your eyes, like he was searching for some kind of answer baffled you.

There was a long silence before you answered. You carefully pondered his question. What was he made for? There were so many answers flooding your mind, but you knew you had to choose your next words carefully.

"To live. You-You were made to live." You say looking into his eyes with love and confidence.

He nodded slowly and hesitantly, before placing his head back onto your abdomen, "Thank you [Y/N]." He says quietly. You smile softly hugging him back tightly.

"Let's lay down. Does that sound good?" You ask softly, your legs were admittedly getting tired. He nodded slowly at your question, slowly releasing you from his tight grasp.

You crawl back into bed opening your arms, inviting him in. "C'mere Satoru" You say softly. He slowly shimmy's into bed, diving into your open arms. He places his head onto your chest and wraps his arms around you, squeezing you like you might run away.

"I love you more you know." He mumbles into your chest before drifting off to sleep. You kiss the top of his head gently before following suit.

word count: 618

author note:
i was originally gonna write something sad-ish about Megumi but then angsty Gojo edit appeared on my fyp soooooo yeah 😙

[Revised: August 8th, 2023]

♥︎ 𝒟𝑒𝓃𝑜𝓊𝑒𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉 | Jujutsu Kaisen OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now