♡ (Highschool) Gojo- Like or Like Like

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Like or Like Like

You and Satoru Gojo are close friends. The two of you are both Jujutsu Sorcerers but were somehow able to hang out without even thinking about techniques.

That's probably what you both loved about each other. The fact that when you hung out, everything else seemed to just fade away. Like the two of you were just two normal teenagers leading a normal life.

It was no secret to anyone that the two of you clearly had feelings for one another. Just the way you talked about each other was enough to give it away.

"Huh? [Y/N]? Yeah she's really cool! She has this really cool technique, and she's really strong physically, oh and she's super talented! Yeah for real like she can pick up anything really quickly!!"

"Oh Gojo? Yeah I guess he's strong...but he's so much more than that! Yeah he showed me these cool playlists, oh and some super old school games, OH and don't forget about..."

The two of you could easily ramble about one another for hours. But that wasn't the current problem. Recently the two of you went to a house party...like responsible students do on the weekend.

Of course the two of you both got insanely wasted, considering you were both lightweights. So the two of you ended up hobbling to the dorms together. You guys chose to go to your dorm because the first years dorm had cool security guards that would let you off the hook.

When the two of you arrived you easily slid through and went straight to your dorm. Plopping on the bed you watched as Gojo ran to your bathroom clearly puking his brains out. You just lightly chuckled, taking this time to change into pajamas.

Finally finishing up he walks back in and plops down, laying next to you. The two of you weren't shy when it came to physical touch, so you didn't mind cuddling up with him.

"Mm, hey [Y/N] I like you hehehe." Gojo mumbled giggling, nuzzling his head closer into your neck. You just giggled back, unsure whether he meant, like...or like like.

The next morning the two of you wake up draped in each others arms. Slowly you snake out of his grasp and get up to stretch.

"Ugh my head is pounding." Gojo said through a pout.

"You're telling me. Just get up so we can go buy some advil." You reply rubbing your temple, before heading into the bathroom to freshen up.

When you finish your morning routine your met with a sleepy Gojo. He's standing in the middle of the room, barely keeping his eyes open.

"C'mon let's go, I'll even buy some breakfast on the way!" You said, smiling at his sleepiness.

After buying some advil the two of you find a small cafe to enjoy breakfast. You both had similar thoughts on your minds...

"God I really hope she doesn't remember my drunken confession."

"What did he mean by 'liking' me? Was it just the alcohol?"

The two of you were luckily very smooth. Easily being able to hide your flustered thoughts. The two of you flawlessly made conversation like nothing had even happened.

After your pleasant breakfast the two of you head your separate ways, but you still had the same thought on your mind, what did he mean by 'like?'

You decided to just work on some homework and listen to music. You skip through your songs, unable to find the perfect one...until.


[Tell me how you feel about me!]

[Do you like or like like me?]

[Tell me what you really feel!]

[Do you like me?]

[Just say you do!]


Instantly your face burst into flames. This was exactly how you felt perfectly written into a song. With little to no hesitation you send the link to the song to Gojo.

"Which is it Satoru??" You typed out. For a moment you hesitated, but what was the worst that could happen?

When Gojo looked at his phone and saw a message from you his heart nearly did backflips. He was so nervous, have you finally caught on?

He sighed a sigh of relief when he released that it was just a song. Grabbing his headphones he listened to the song while doing some simple at home workouts.

When the song finished his face was beat red, finally understanding what the message meant. He opened his phone unsure of what to respond, there is no way he could confess...over the phone?! Isn't that like totally impolite?


Suddenly his door slams open, revealing you standing there out of breath. With your chest heaving up and down you take a moment to collect yourself.

"S-Satoru I w-wanted to hear y-your answer in person!" You pant out.

He just stares at you in a daze, embarrassment clear on his face. Slowly he covers his face with his hands. He had no idea that he would be confessing today, he had no time to prepare!

"I-It's the second o-one!" He practically shouts at you, barely being able to stutter his answer out. You stared at him shocked, 'like like.' Suddenly a bright smile crept onto your face.

"Oh wow the great Satoru Gojo is a stuttering, blushing mess! This is a sight to remember."

"Hey don't tease me!" He immediately shot back.

Ignoring his words you slowly walk over to him, pulling him in for a tight hug. Laying your head against his chest you slowly spoke. "I like like you too..."

In an instant he pulls you away from his chest and swoops down, connecting your lips for a sweet short kiss.

When the two of you pull away you're staring at each other with the same look. Dazed eyes and a goofy smile.

"I-I'm glad!" He says smiling.

word count: 980

author note:
The song is 'Like or Like Like' by Miniature Tigers!

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