♡ (Highschool) Gojo- Careless! Pt 2.

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Careless! Pt 2.
(art credit: @/_3aem on twt)

"Oh god. What have I done?" You think to yourself in a panic. The gravity of the situation is finally setting in. You look over at your nightstand.

"4:23 a.m"

It's been nearly 3 hours since 'everything' went down, and by 'everything' you mean kissing your close friend.

Now you're laying in your bed, staring at the ceiling, and overthinking all of your life decisions. After the kiss he gave you a peck on your forehead, thanked you for the bandaids, and left.

The deep seeded anxiety is now in full blossom. How are you suppose to face him tomorrow? Did you just ruin your friendship? You try to justify it by saying 'well he leaned in first!' but you know it was you, you were the one who grabbed him and pulled him back in.

For the rest of the night you get zero sleep, instead you end up on your phone scrolling through social media trying to distract yourself from your thoughts.

At 6:55 a.m your alarm goes off, signaling that it's time to get up and prepare for your day. While you get ready for school you blast your favorite music on your phone, to keep yourself distracted.

When you finally finish getting ready you head to school. You've made it your personal mission to avoid Satoru Gojo at all costs. The last thing you need right now is to be rejected by your close friend.

Thankfully you successfully made it through the day without running in to him! You kept yourself busy with school work and ate on your schools roof. When it's time to head back to the dorms you full on sprint, just to avoid the other students.

"Now I just need to do this everyday, for the rest of my Jujutsu career.........oh god there's no way I'll be able to keep this up!" You say to yourself in a desperate tone, throwing yourself onto your bed and shoving your face in your pillows.

After a few minutes of drowning in self pity you look over at your phone. "I can't believe he hasn't even texted me." You mumble to yourself.

Instead of dwelling on it you decide to actually do your homework instead of procrastinating like usual. You stand up and head over to your desk and take out the seemingly never ending pile of homework. Hours go by and it's now evening, around 9:00 p.m.

Usually it doesn't take you that long to complete your homework but you've been taking frequent youtube and social media breaks.

"Tap tap"

All of a sudden you hear a light knock on your door. You don't even think about who it could be, you simply yell, "come in!"

The door slowly creaks open, revealing a tired Satoru Gojo. His eyes are covered with his signature bandages, instead of his casual glasses, suggesting that he just came back from a long mission.

"Oh my god [Y/N] you'll never guess what happened! I was assigned on a mission 2 hours away and on the way there I lost my phone on the train, so I've been phone-less since like 5:00 a.m!" He whines to you as he loosens the bandages around his eyes.

You watch him, slightly in shock. He's acting like nothing happened, he's the same Gojo you've always known. You're torn, should you be happy that you didn't ruin anything? Or hurt that he's completely ignoring what happened, gliding right past it.

He kicks off his shoes and jumps on your bed, dramatically turning his head to the side and slowly pulling his bandages off.

"Plus the school won't even replace it so I have to pay for a new one all on my own." He says in his usual pouty tone.

You stare at him in disbelief, how can he act like this? You've been panicking all day and all night just to see that he's completely unaffected!? Without thinking (again...) you stand up in a hurry and walk over to him, pinning his arms down on either side of his head.

Immediately he looks at you, shocked. You've stolen his attention, not that he wouldn't mind giving it to you.

"Satoru Gojo! How dare you just waltz in here like nothing happened! Do you know how much sleep I got last night? ZERO!! Cause I was up all night worrying that I ruined our friendship, and here you are with out a care in the world!" You rant, almost running out of breath at how fast you were talking.

Instead of answering he just leans up and places his lips against your own. You're to shocked to kiss back, causing him to slowly pull away.

When you finally regain your senses you look down at the blushing mess below you, the usually confident Satoru Gojo is a complete mess.

"[Y/N] I'm sorry I didn't mean to seem so careless. I...I just didn't know what to say or how to bring it up. I wasn't sure if it was just a spur of the moment thing or if the kiss actually meant something to you." He says, looking away embarrassed.

"I would never 'just' kiss you, of course it had meaning! I...I have feelings for you, and I'm sorry if that makes things weird but I can't just pretend like nothing happened." You say with the same amount of embarrassment.

"You idiot! Why would I kiss you now if I didn't feel the same!" He said back to you.

"Don't call me an idiot you idiot!" You semi-shout at him causing him to chuckle lightly.

"[L/N] [Y/N] will you do me the honor of being my lover? I've liked you for a while now and I'm confident that we can find happiness together." He says with a loving smile plastered across his face.

"Of course you dummy." You say with the same goofy smile.

word count: 1000
i actually wasn't gonna make a pt 2. but then a comment was left asking for it, and it made me super happy so i immediately got to writing lolll

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