♡ (Pre-Jujutsu) Yuuji- Fights

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(pre-jujutsu Yuuji)

"Hey [Y/N]!" Someone shouts your name down the school hallway. You close your locker and turn to the person yelling your name.

They're running down the hallway out of breath, calling your name like a mad-man.

"Oh my god, are you okay? What's up?" You ask, catching them as they practically throw themselves into your arms.

"You're friends with Yuuji Itadori right?!" She shouts, out of breath.

"Yeah why? Did something happen?" You ask, a sudden surge of anxiety coursing through you.

"He's fighting some third year!" You stare at her shocked, unable to process her words. Yuuji in a fight? That doesn't sound anything like him.

"Where!" You ask with urgency clear in your tone. She just points outside where you can see a few students walking towards the back of the school. Like moths to a flame.

Without any further words you immediately run down the hallway and out one of the fire escapes. Looking frantically around for the crowd of people you saw earlier.

When you finally spot them you shove people to the side, forcing yourself into the middle. You're shocked by what you saw.

Yuuji was indeed in a fight with an upperclassman, what shocked you was his size. This guy was at least 6'0 and practically towered over Yuuji.

Despite that the fight was more than even. Yuuji was winning, he had his fair share of injuries but it was nothing compared to the other man.

You watched with all the others, baffled and in shock. What were you suppose to do? Try and stop it? You didn't want it to go on but you had no choice but to watch, you were practically paralyzed.

"Yuuji-" You mumble without even thinking. His eyes immediately dart to yours. He looks shocked to see you there.


He gets slammed across the face, and stumbles backwards. The crowd lets out gasps of horror, you included.

"Yuuji!" You practically yelled but a mix of cheering and yelling drowned you out completely. Thankfully before anything could get serious a teacher ran out and broke up the fight.

"Woah there! That's enough, both of you to the office right now!" He yells grabbing Yuuji and the random kid by their shirts. Yuuji avoids eye contact, a look of shame clear on his face.

You manage to squeeze your way out of the crowd and head to the infirmary. You knew that the teacher probably just sent both of them there and sent them on their ways. It's not like he gets paid enough to actually care.

When you walk in Yuuji is sitting on a medical bed (???) in his phone, completing ignoring the blood on his face.

"Yuuji! What the hell was that? Are you okay?!" You ask rushing over to him, grabbing his face and investigating his wounds.

He doesn't say anything. He just looks away, staring at the floor. You just sigh and go to grab some napkins for his bloody nose.

"Open your mouth, I need to make sure all your teeth are still intact." You mumble while reaching for his face, tilting his face up. He listens without arguing, opening his mouth in a way that sends butterflies through your stomach.

"Can you please tell me what happened." You say trying to distract yourself from the sudden feelings. Gently you wipe away the blood, waiting for him to say something, anything.

"It's dumb." He mumbles, looking away. Again you grab his chin, forcing him to look at you.

"It's not." You say before going back to cleaning up the blood. You've now switched to a wet cloth, to clean up the dried parts.

"He was talking shit about me and...you." He whispers the last part with a blush on his face. You look at him confused, waiting for him to elaborate.

"He was just saying stupid shit and then we got into a whole argument, and yeah..." He says, scratching the back of his neck.

"Like what?" You mumble, almost completely done with cleaning his face.

"He was saying stuff like, 'you two have probably hooked up a bunch' and 'she's only interested in you for a quick fuck she doesn't actually want you' and just a bunch of stupid shit like that." He says with clear embarrassment.

You and Yuuji aren't dating, but the two of you have been good friends for a while. So there have been a ton of different rumors that spread about the two of you being together. This has never really bothered you because, why would it?

"Oh...well you know none of that is true." You say with a clear blush that matches the one on his face.

"Anywayssss I'm all done! You're all cleaned up." You say with a slightly awkward chuckle. Honestly you just wanted to change the subject.

"[Y/N]...I'm sorry that all of these stupid rumors keep going around, I'm sure it's not easy staying friends with me. It's probably uncomfortable for you to think about me like that at all." He says, grabbing onto your wrist gently.

"No it's not that hard at all, sometimes you're more like a boyfriend than a friend honestly." You blurt out without thinking. The realization hits you like a pound of bricks and your hand immediately whips up and covers your mouth.

"I-I mean-" You quickly try to justify the words that came out of your mouth but you're interrupted with a warm pair of lips against your own.

Out of instinct your hands immediately shoot out onto his shoulders. In response he immediately pulls back, an unimaginable shade of red.

"I'm s-sorry I just acted I didn't think! I'm sorry [Y/N]!" He says while covering his face, trying to hide away from you. You just stare at him shocked, in a daze.

"H-Hey do that again." You mumble, staring at him, your face just as red as his. He looks at you shocked but nonetheless moves in (much slower this time) and gently places his lips against yours.

It's like some kind of instinct just clicks in your mind. Your hands tangle in his hair, his arms wrap around your waist and pull you in closer. The innocent kiss quickly becomes deep and desperate.

The tension that had been building up for years finally broke. The kiss was sloppy and desperate but it was also loving, it was like your souls were in harmony, your hearts beating at the same tempo. Nothing else in the whole world mattered besides you two. Until...


"Ugh gross, break it up lovebirds." The school nurse says, returning from her break.

The two of you practically shove each other away, growing increasingly more embarrassed by the second.

"I'm sorry miss it's not what it looks like I swear!" You say, waving your hands in front of you frantically. You look over at Yuuji for some kind of help but he's lost to the stars. That was his first kiss and he was currently in 'heaven.'

"Oh don't worry, I was a teenager once I get it, buttttt this is also my office and I'd rather you not do whatever you were supposedly doing in here." She says with a chuckle. You just nod and grab a practically brain-dead Yuuji by the wrist.

The two of you are sitting on the roof when Yuuji finally snaps out of his daze and returns down to reality. He just stares at you with a clear blush present on his face.

"Yuuji don't just stare, it's embarrassing." You say, covering your face and looking away.

"So now what." You mumble, staring straight ahead at the sky. Gently Yuuji grabs your chin, forcing you to look him in the eyes.

"[Y/N] I know this is cheesy and cliche but I really do like you, and I would really like to be your official boyfriend and not just a boy who's a friend. So can I be?" He asks with such earnest eyes your heart practically skips a beat.

"Yes! Of course!"

word count: 1350

author-note: i have so many drafts it's actually insane, especially with choso but his character is so hard to write about without mischaracterization (which i really really really try to avoid but of course it's impossible to completely avoid it)

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