♡ Haibara- Puppy

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You are a first year at Jujutsu High. Your name is [Y/N] and you have two classmates. Their names are Nanami and Haibara. The three of you get along really well.

You have had a tiny crush on Haibara for a few months now. Unfortunately Haibara is completely oblivious to your very clear advances.

"You should either give up or tell him directly. He isn't gonna pick up on any of your hints." Nanami says. The two of you were at the vending machine waiting for Haibara to meet up with you guys so you could go get lunch.

"But that so embarrassing!" You whisper shout back.

"What confessing your undying love?" Nanami chuckles.

"Confessing your undying love to who [Y/N]?" Haibara suddenly appears making you jump nearly three feet in the air.

"N-No one!" You shout back trying to cover your blushing face.

"Actually Haibara you know them pretty wel-" Nanami starts but you jump forward and cover his mouth.

"Shut up!"

"Hey! No fair Nanami knows who it is and I don't? I thought we were close." Haibara says pouting.

"Ah don't worry he doesn't know anything. He just thinks he does." You said sending a scowl towards Nanami, he just chuckles.

"Oh [Y/N] you're so sweet! I'm sure you could get any man you want!" Haibara says flinging himself into your arms.

"Jeez Haibara you're just like a puppy." Nanami says smiling at the two of you.

If only he knew he was the one you wanted. You just gently pat his head, returning the hug with a small smile.

"Cmon let's go get lunch you love birds." Nanami says trying to get a reaction out of you. He succeeded, your face turned bright red. Haibara's cheek also dusted a light pink and he slowly pulled away out of your arms.

"L-Let's get going!" You say trying not to stutter to much. The three of you head over to a nearby cafe. It was mainly you and Haibara talking to each other while Nanami just stayed quiet.

When the three of you enter the cafe a young looking waiter walks over to seat you. He was an attractive guy who looked about your age.

As soon as you all sat down it was clear that this guy was in to you. He immediately started flirting and complementing you. Honestly you were flattered but he was totally not your type.

Nanami was clearly annoyed by this guy flirting with you. He was just trying to enjoy his bread and tea but this guy kept appearing every five minutes.

"Ugh I'm seriously gonna tell that guy off next time he shows up." Nanami grumbles to you and Haibara. You just chuckle lightly at his words but you don't protest. The next time the guy walks over Nanami finally speaks.

"Hey you know you're flirting with a girl already in a relationship, she's dating this guy here." Nanami says pointing at Haibara. Both of your faces burst into flames, pure embarrassment drowning you.

"Oh damn really, is this your girlfriend?" The waiter asks staring at Haibara.

"U-Um." Haibara stutters out.

"Damn doesn't seem like you really want her then. If you let me flirt with her this whole time." He says chuckling dryly, he switches his attention back to you.

"Hey if you wanna have a real boyfriend text me." He says handing you a slip of paper with his phone number on it. Suddenly Haibara stands up, snatching the paper from him.

"She isn't interested, I'm more than enough for her!" He says grabbing your hand.

"Prove it then!" The waiter nearly shouts at Haibara. You're just sitting in the middle of them completely red. I can't believe this is happening right now, you think to yourself.

"Fine I will!" Haibara shouts back, grabbing your chin half softly and half forcefully, bringing your face to his. You stare at him wide eyed as he attached his lips to yours. His lips were so soft and gentle against your own.

When the two of you pull away you feel like you might pass out. Haibara is now just as flushed as you.

"Tch whatever." The waiter says as he walks away. Nanami just stares at the two of you, slightly shocked and slightly annoyed at all the attention you guys are getting from the other customers.

"Let's go we're making a scene." You mumble looking away from Haibara. You put some money down on the table to pay for the meal and then walk out.

"Hey wait [Y/N]!" Haibara shouts but he just stays seated. Did he go to far? He wasn't even thinking about whether or not you liked the guy. What if he just ruined your chances with this guy, it's not like you were actually his girlfriend.

"Go get her you idiot, it's so obvious you like her." Nanami says annoyed by the two of you and your immaturity.

"H-Huh!? How'd you know?" Haibara semi shouts at Nanami.

"Just go dummy." Nanami rolls his eyes at Haibara's blushing face. Slowly Haibara stands up and runs out of the cafe, searching for you.

"[Y/N]! [Y/N] where are you?" He shouts running down the sidewalk.

You turn around confused, searching for the source of your name being called. You see Haibara running at you full speed with a flushed face.


The two of you collide falling over onto the sidewalk, Haibara barely managed to soften the blow with his hand underneath your head.

"Ouch!" You say rubbing your head. You look up at Haibara who is now hovering over you, pinning you against the sidewalk floor. Several people are giving the two of you stairs.

Immediately you push him off and stand up. You grab his hand and run towards the school and back to your dorm. When you finally get to your dorm you slam the door behind you and push him to your bed.

"What the hell was that? We got so many stares! I'm so embarrassed!" You shout at him, he just stares at you like a puppy being scolded by their owner.

"S-Sorry." He mumbles apologetically. You just smile softly and slowly lean down hugging him. His head is pressed against your chest and his arms are weakly wrapped around your waist.

"I'm sorry [Y/N] I totally screwed up your chance with that guy, and not to mention I kissed you without asking. Ugh I'm so dumb, I'm so sorry I shouldn't have gotten in the way. It's just that guy made me so ma-"

You cut him off with a gentle kiss, gently cupping his cheeks. You can't help but think god he's so adorable. When the two of you pull away you stare into his eyes, flushed, waiting for him to say something, anything.

"[Y/N] I...I like you!" He looks up at you like a puppy waiting for a treat.

"Puppy..." You mumble under your breath and he explodes into a shade of red unimaginable.

"A-Ah no that's not what I meant-" You try to scramble up an excuse. You're cut off by his cute giggles.

"[Y/N] please be my girlfriend...for real now!" He asks with determination in his eyes. You just smile at him and nod.

"Of course!"

word count: 1,225

author note:
thank you for 100 votes 😙

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