♡ Megumi- Rainy Day

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Rainy Day


"Ugh Megumi I'm so tiredddd, I don't wanna get up." You whine to your boyfriend as he gently shakes you, signaling that it's time to get up.

"[Y/N] it's already 4:00 p.m we should at least try and be a little productive." He chuckles while rubbing your back softly.

You just roll over and hide your head in one of your many pillows. Groaning at the thought of getting up. He gently pulls on your shirt before standing up and getting off of your shared bed.

"Noooooo come back Gumi' just stay with me for a little while longer." You say while rolling back over and grabbing his shirt.

He just stares down at you with amusement written all over his face.

"But if I lay back down I don't think I'll ever be able to get back up. You're gonna trap me in your warm grasp foreverrrrr." He exaggerates but despite his pleas he slowly lifts up the blanket and slithers back into bed.

You smile happily and immediately pull him into a warm and almost suffocating hug. He was right of course, you had no plans of getting up today.

Eventually the two of you doze off in each others arms before an unwanted alarm goes off. The two of you jolt awake, startled from the sudden disturbance.

"Ugh, what time is it?" Megumi groans raspily, rubbing at his eyes and searching for his phone.

When he finally turns off the aggressive alarm he turns and looks back at.

"Cmon it's 7 p.m let's get up [Y/N]" He says before mercilessly ripping the blanket away from you.

"EEK!" The harsh cold air slams against you, you bolt up and immediately cling to Megumi like a koala. Searching for any and all warmth.

He just chuckles and picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder and walking towards the bean bags on the floor. He places you down and throws the blanket at you.

"I'm gonna go make us something to eat, do NOT fall asleep again." He emphasizes 'not' before leaving your dorm and walking towards the small kitchen located in the common room.

Trying your best to not fall asleep you decide to turn on the tv. You mindlessly scroll through youtube searching for something, anything that can entertain your short attention span.

After what feels like forever you finally give up and decided to just accompany Megumi in the kitchen. You quietly sneak out of your dorm, trying to not disturb your neighboring classmates.

When you finally make it to the kitchen the view in front of you makes you smile. Your loving boyfriend is making hot cocoa and some sort of pastry. There's a gently drizzle in the window above him, that's highlighting his pale features beautifully.

"Hey stranger, need any help?" The sound of your voice startles him from his concentration. Slowly you snake your arms around his waist, placing your head into the crook of his neck.

"No, I'm just about finished, thanks though." He replies as he places the finishing marshmallows into your hot cocoa.

The two of you grab the cocoa and pastry's and quietly tiptoe back to your dorm, trying your hardest to stay quiet.

The two of you plop down onto the floor and scroll for an interesting halloween movie, 'tis the season after all.

When the two of you finally settle on a movie you snuggle into one another and sip on your warm drinks. Enjoying the sound of a light drizzle and a spooky halloween movie.

word count: 595

author note:
i'm back!!!! yippeeeee!!!! the truth is this has been in my drafts for awhile now but i finally finished writing it! i have so many drafts but no motivation, hopefully i'll find some soon teehee

♥︎ 𝒟𝑒𝓃𝑜𝓊𝑒𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉 | Jujutsu Kaisen OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now