♡ Ijichi- Lunch Date

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Lunch Date


God it feels like the paper work just never ends. You'd think that risking your life killing cursed spirits was enough, but of course you have to file paper work too.

Especially since you were recently able to take down a first grade cursed spirit. The amount of paperwork that you have to do, to explain one incident is insane. Honestly sometimes you wish you could just hand off your paperwork to one of your students.

knock knock

You look up from your desk, over the mountains of paper work to see Nanami Kento, one of your coworkers. The two of you were surprisingly close for two sorcerers.

"What's up Nanami?" You ask with a forced smile, trying to hide your eye-bags.

"Looks like someone's drowning in paperwork." He says with a chuckle that catches you slightly off guard.

"Yeah..." You say with a sigh, dropping your pen onto one of the many stacks of paper.

"Well it's lunch time and I just happened to notice someone sitting alone, having some lunch on a nearby bench." Nanami says and you raise your eyebrow at him.

Finally it hits you, you may have told Nanami about your little crush on one of the drivers, Ijichi Kiyotaka.

Your eyes light up at the opportunity before reality smacks you across the face. The amount of paperwork you have on your desk right now leaves no room for breaks, especially not ones where you flirt shamelessly with your shy coworker.

"[Y/N] don't worry you can take a lunch break, I'll work on your paperwork. Plus he's sitting underneath a cherry blossom tree." Nanami says with a smile that completely reassures you.

Without any more encouragement you practically spring up out of your seat. You grab your small bento box and run down the hallway.

You pass a few students on your way. They all give you strange looks but you couldn't be bothered. You have a date to catch.

When you finally spot him you stop running and take a moment to catch your breath. Slowly you walk over to your unsuspecting victim.

"Hey Ijichi, mind if I join you?" You ask with a smile. You've always been flirty towards him, honestly you're surprised he hasn't figured out your 'crush.'

"Of course [Y/N]" He says with the same kind smile. You plop down next to him and open your bento. It was practically empty, there was a little rice and two strawberries, pathetic.

You sighed at the sight, you were in such a rush this morning you forgot to prepare something proper. Ijichi seemed to notice and scraped some of his (properly filled) bento into yours.

You practically beam, the man is truly a godsend. You turn to him with a huge smile and he looks away with a blush on his face.

"Ijichi you're amazing, you're so kind, thank you!" You say taking his hands in yours. His blush only grows at your forward actions.

"N-No problem, anytime [Y/N]." He says with a smile that could melt your heart.

For the next few minutes the two of you eat in mostly silence. Occasionally you break the ice and talk about work or something random like some book you read.

The way he listened to you made you feel so seen, like you weren't just some sorcerer, like you actually meant something. Your thoughts were interrupted when Ijichi spoke.

"[Y/N] I heard you took down a first grade recently. That's really impressive." He says with a soft smile that causes your chest to tighten.

You respond with a dramatic sigh, "yeah but all the paper work I have now makes it not worth it. He chuckles at your answer.

"If you want- ah never mind." He says with a light blush, focusing back on his bento.

"No, no, continue." You say a little bit too enthusiastically.

"Maybe, if you'd like I could help you with your paperwork." He says barely above a whisper. The way he said it made it sound like he was asking you on a date.

He was bright red from simply asking to help you with work. You couldn't imagine the face he'd make if you asked him on a date.

"I'd love that." You say with a bright smile. The two of you finish your meals and exchange light conversation before heading back to your office.

When you walk in Nanami is sitting at your desk with seemingly newly developed eye bags. It looks as though your paperwork sucked the life out of him.

"Thanks Nanami, I can take it from here." You say while giving his shoulder a light pat. He looks between you and Ijichi and gives you a knowing smile that causes your face to heat up.

You sit down at your desk with Ijichi sitting across from you. He grabs a stack of papers and silently begins working.

You'd like to say you did the same but you couldn't help but stare. The way he focused so intently on your paper work, something he didn't have to be doing made your heart flutter.

"Do I have something on my face Ms. [Y/N]?" He asks with a blush on his face. Looking up from his quickly shrinking pile.

"Oh no sorry, did I bother you?" You ask, snapping out of your daze. He shakes his head 'no' and looks back down, focusing on his pile.

You sigh before finally focusing on your own work. The quicker you complete this the sooner you can stare back at Ijichi's focused face.

Soon night fall comes and the only light illuminating your piles is the moon. Neither of you seem to mind though.

When you finally glance at your phone you realize that it's already 21:00! "Oh shit, Ijichi I'm so sorry for keeping you so long." You scramble to organize your papers.

"Oh don't worry!" He says and stands up, helping you organize the papers.

"Hey Ijichi, could I...walk you home?" Your face is beet red, it's a simple question but it's taking you and Ijichi's friendship to a new step.

You keep your eyes pointed down, scared of his response, scared of his reaction. It takes what feels like centuries for him to answer.

"You wanna walk...me home? S-Shouldn't it be the other way around?" You finally look up and make eye contact with him and he's somehow even brighter than you.

"But don't you live closer? I-I mean I remember you mentioning to Nanami that you only live 10 minutes away." You say, scratching the back of your neck sheepishly.

"Oh, I don't mind walking you though." He says and you shake your head 'no'. "It's okay, I don't mind." You say smiling.

The two of you head out into the chilly air. It's cold enough that you quickly tuck your hands into your pockets, but not cold enough where you can see your breath.

The two of you walk side by side, keeping a cautious distance between one another. It's quiet, but comfortable between the two of you.

Ijichi leads the way and he wasn't lying, he did live quite close by. This fact makes you feel a little anxious, but you shake it off. You walk with him up his stairs and bow politely.

"Thank you again for helping me out with all that paperwork." You say with a bright smile.

"It's not problem, I'm here if you ever need any help." He says while returning the bow. The two of you turn around, you heading home and him unlocking his door.

When you get to the bottom of his steps you feel something compel you, something shouting at you to not turn away.

"Hey Ijichi, would you maybe like to go out for lunch one of these days?" You say, nervously twiddling your thumbs.

He looks slightly startled at first before quickly nodding. "Yeah, I'd like that." You nod anxiously in response, trying to ignore your increasing blush.

"W-Well goodnight! I'll see you tomorrow." You say before turning around and practically sprinting down the block. You mentally curse at yourself for stuttering.

[word count: 1365]

author note: it's been awhile, i haven't had much motivation. this has been in the drafts forever now so i thought i'd finish it up and post it. it isn't proof read sorrryyyyyy

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