☆ Kamo- Tutor

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"Damn! How did I score so low?!" Miwa shouts slowly sliding down to her knees dramatically.

"You didn't even score that bad, plus it could've been worse!" You say while giggling at her dramatic performance.

"Easy for you to say! You were the highest score!" Miwa says with her normal dramatic flair.

You look at the test scores posted on the wall and she was right, you were #1. The two runner ups were Todo and Kamo.

"Test results don't even matter Miwa, in the Jujutsu world all that matters is your grade." You say reassuringly while helping her to her feet.

"Fuck" You hear someone curse under there breath. When you turn around you're met with Kamo Noritoshi, he's in the year below you but the two of you are still pretty good friends.

"Suckkkkkkk ittttt Toshi'." You say with a sly smirk as you make your way over to him, Miwa following close behind. The two of you have always had a slight rivalry.

"Yeah, yeah, you win." He mumbles with an eye roll.

"Again, I win, again." You correct him with a smug smirk, rubbing salt in the wound. He just sighs from defeat.

After awhile the others show up, Todo, Mai, etc. You all talk about the test and your placements. Momo teases Miwa nonstop about her low results and you just laugh along.

You can't help but notice Kamo's distance. He usually keeps himself distanced from you guys but now it's like he's in his own world. You gently tap his shoulder and it seems to surprise him.

You gesture for him to follow you. You lead him out into the hallway, away from the others when you finally speak.

"Hey what's up? You know I was just messing around earlier about the results." You say trying to cheer him up a little.

"Yeah I know, I'm just a little bummed I guess." He says with a sigh. You feel kind of guilty and search your brain for something that you think might help.

"If you want we could have a little study session. I don't mind doing a little tutoring if the guys cute." You say with a playful wink at the end of your sentence.

"For real? You'd do that?" He asks with a slight more excitement in his tone than you were expecting.

"Yeah of course! I'm not busy tonight if you wanna pop by my dorm." You say with a smile, his excitement wearing off on you.

The two of you go back into the classroom. By now the pleasant conversation has turned into an argument between Mai and Todo. Something about Mai cheating and how that's unethical?

Eventually your teacher, Utahime, shows up and separates the two of them. She teaches an unusually short lesson and then gives you guys the day off. It was a little strange but it's not like you were complaining.

Instead of going to your dorm you decided that now would be a great time to do some errands. You do your laundry, buy some groceries, grab a few books from the library, return a few, etc.

By the time you get back to the dorms the sun had already set. Your met with a little surprise as you're walking down the dorms hallway.

Right next to your door is none other than Kamo Noritoshi sitting with his head on his knees...sleeping? You carefully walk over and notice he has some textbooks and a pencil case with him.

Oh he's here for the tutoring session, you finally realize. Quietly you tip toe over and gently crouch down, tapping his shoulder.

"Hey Kamo, been waiting long? Why don't you come inside." He looks up at you slowly, with tired eyes. You feel bad for making him wait all this time, but you didn't expect him so early.

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