♡ (Highschool) Ijichi- Confession

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Your name is [Y/N] and you are a second year at Jujutsu High. Unfortunately one of your fellow second years passed away. Leaving your only classmate to be...Nanami Kento.

There isn't anything 'wrong' with him but he isn't really the social type. Especially after losing Haibara the two of you can't even seem to look at each other, let alone talk to one another.

Usually you would just hang out with your upperclassman, Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, and Shoko Ieiri, but after what happened with Geto things are...awkward. So instead you've been hanging out with your lower class man, Ijichi Kiyotaka.

The two of you originally met when you were still a first year. At the end of the school year you were instructed on giving the new student a tour.

The two of you became fast friends. You guys would eat lunch together, walk home together, etc, etc.

You'd often be assigned missions with him because of his lack of cursed technique. Honestly you didn't mind protecting him, he had this innocence to him that you enjoyed protecting.

It was an average Thursday afternoon and you and Ijichi were on your way back to the dorms after an easy mission.

"[Y/N] since the school year is ending soon are you excited to be a third year?" Ijichi asked looking over at you.

"Mmm not really, it's just one step closer to becoming an 'adult.' Honestly I just kinda feel old hehe..." You say while rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly.

"I'm kinda excited I get to take part in the festival next year!" He says, looking at you with excitement.

"Eh I wouldn't be to excited, some people get really aggressive." You mumble.

"Well you'll be there with me so I'm not scared!" He says with enthusiasm. You just look back at him, being slightly caught off guard by his words.

"Don't say such embarrassing things..." You mumble under your breath, but he just smiles at you.

For the next final months of your second year at Jujutsu High everything went smoothly. You completed your missions with usual ease and your life had been progressing without any 'hiccups.'

Finally the last day had come. The day had gone by rather quickly. It began with your normal classes and then ended with a small ceremony. After the formalities concluded there was a small after party with the staff and students.

You were sitting down with a small plate of food when Ijichi approached you. He offered you his hand which you took with confusion. You left your plate on your seat (trying to save your seat.)

You allowed him to drag you out of the school to a small courtyard not far from the first years dorms. Looking around you admired the school and the setting sun behind it.

"[Y-Y/N]! I have something to give you, an end of the year gift."

You looked back over at him. He was standing under a cherry blossom tree with something balled up in his hand, staring at you with big innocent eyes.

"O-Oh I'm sorry I didn't get you anything. Uhh, I'll buy you lunch tomorrow as a gift!" You say enthusiastically.

"A-Ah no it's okay don't worry!" He says offering you his clenched hand. You open your hand waiting for him to place the mysterious item in your grasp.

When he drops the small item into your hand you hold it up confused. Looking it over, searching your mind for some kind of significance.

When you look up at him he's standing completely still, fear clear in his eyes. You examine him, looking him up and down trying to connect the dots. Finally you notice his second button is missing.

"OH!" You practically yell, finally understanding what was happening.

He just stares at you with a bright blush on his face, waiting for your 'response.'

"OH! UM, WELL..." You take a moment to collect yourself.

"I a-accept your feelings?" You say with a hint of confusion, you were a little unsure of how to respond.

He just nods at you almost violently. The two of you stand there for a second awkwardly until you finally snap out of your daze. You walk towards him and trap him inside of a tight hug.

"Let's treat each other well!" You whisper yell into his ear. He just smiles brightly into the crook of your neck, squeezing lightly.

word count: 745

Author note:

This is based off of a Japanese 'tradition' I saw on tiktok. Tiktok isn't the most...reliable source so I'm really sorry if this is complete bs someone just made up loll.

Anyways the 'tradition' is that on the day of your graduation ceremony, under the sakura blossoms, a high school boy hands a girl the second button of his school uniform. This act supposedly holds a special meaning which is supposed to be equal to a heartfelt confession of his love towards her.

Also thank you for 2k views!!! I hope you all continue to read. (^-^)

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